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Not able to run Quake3Map example

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:21 pm
by Kapil
when i tried to run quake3 example, provided with the irrlicht, it shows something like this.

i think the culprit is "GLSL not available."
please tell what to do or wheather my system doesnot support the feature

G:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>G:\Dev-Cpp\irrlicht-1.4.1\examples\02.Qu
Please select the driver you want for this example:
(a) Direct3D 9.0c
(b) Direct3D 8.1
(c) OpenGL 1.5
(d) Software Renderer
(e) Burning's Software Renderer
(f) NullDevice
(otherKey) exit

Irrlicht Engine version 1.4.1
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Using renderer: OpenGL 1.4.0
Intel 845G: Intel
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
GLSL not available.
Loaded mesh: G:\Dev-Cpp\irrlicht-1.4.1\examples\02.Quake3Map\output\maps\20kdm2.
Needed 0ms to create OctTree SceneNode.(0 nodes, 0 polys)

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:24 pm
by Gogolian
Tryed any other? FE Software reenderer? It is unfamiliar that you can't run with OpenGL cause all known systems (probably but i may be wrong) have OpenGL libraries included 'at start'.
What operating system do you have?
You Are running on PC or Mac?
Have you recompiled it yourself?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:37 pm
by hybrid
OpenGL is installed, otherwise the version number couldn't be displayed. But it looks like your mesh is not correctly loaded, because only 0 faces are processed.