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Blender .map exporting

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:07 am
by tempuser2
When you use GTK Radient to make a map, you link the textures in folders, and you just make sure that same architecture is available in the .pk3. Working in blender, I've made a small area, even saved it to the media folder in .blend and then exported it into the same media folder (where the image is located) as a .map. When I open it in GTK Radient however, it can't find the textures. What's the proper way to hook up textures so they will display on your maps (GTK Radient)?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:31 pm
by Katsankat
Radiant needs a few things to show textures.
* Every texture needs to be in the baseq3/textures (jpg works fine)
* Additionnally, every texture needs a shader (in the baseq3/scripts folder) see below
* then the name of this shader (without extension) must be added in scripts/shaders.txt

A basic shader would probably look like this (this is scripts/brick001.shader)

Code: Select all

 q3map_shadeangle 60
 implicitMap -
It is handy to use (only once) a script/tool to generate shader files for a folder full of textures. ;) I got one if you are interested.

Pretty good article ... to_map.htm

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:45 pm
by Namespace Irrlightuser
Thanks, I gave exporting a map and importing it in GTK Gradient (with the same texture with the same name in the texture folder, although they were in a media folder when I used blender.)

I built a room quicly in Blender, I built it with planes but it did the same thing, so I thought it might use boxes only like gradent seems to do.

So I opened the .map in the map directory the Q3 folder, but this happened.

What can I do to get it exporting correctly?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:03 pm
by Namespace Irrlightuser
any ideas, I'm open to using any exporting program, but I'd like to model it in blender. Is IRRedit better for compiling maps?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:42 am
by Katsankat
Usually here's how it goes: you create the static geometry in a CSG editor (Constructive Solid Geometry, think about this signification),
then import models created in a modeling program.

- in blender as material name type bricks/bricks001 or whatever it is the name of the shader as i explained earlier

- open the .map file with an ASCII editor and show it please.