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Staff Members needed: A new MMORPG game development

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 8:38 am
by begica

I and some of my friend's have started on one project that will be a MMORPG. We are now a team of 8 and need more members.
The game will be based on old Pagan traditions (god's, way of life and such things).

We need:
3d modelers with your own tools
Programers(who know to program with Irrlicht)
quest writers
music compositers
The staff ain't payed yet but will be when the game will be running, we will have an Item Mall. The money will be then splited. If you are interested in an position write to:

Thx for your Help,


Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:59 am
by Carama
And what do you have already? nothing?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 11:15 am
by Andreas
And as a first step, you and your friends can start learning to read: :wink: ... hp?t=25500

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 11:22 am
by begica
some basic models, some concept art, we need the story line so that we will know what we are doing and what do we need. One of us is writing a sort of pharser and editor so that the development will go faster.


Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 11:24 am
by begica
For those projects looking for team members, please use a [Help Wanted] or [Team Needed] tag. (ex. [Help Wanted] - My Project Name) these post will not require a screen shot, however should be very descriptive.

I wrote everything that i know of the game development for now. I will meet with the team next week and we will se what do we have done for now.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:17 pm
by miklavcicmatic
Hiya, i'm allso with the staff and i'm the main programmer of the project.
the game will be named Abyss of Perdition, a MMORPG. It will include Dx9 and OGL graphics, great models and textures which we allready have a few,
we have many koncept artists and quite some modelers so it will be np to get all the required material.

The game will be running by a simple principle of server-client communication, eg. when you enter a town every second the server will update 1/10 of the players locations, armors, titles etc via simple encoding so the least possible data is to be transferred.

Storyline is being written as we speak. Abyss of Perdition will go around the player that has lost everything and is banished from his homeland. At first, he must fight for survival in the unfriendly forests of the Great Snow Mountains, fighting big monsters, making weapons and trying to survive.

After a few quests, he'll find a small cabin inside the forest.
There will be a wizard that will offer him a place to stay, food and clothes.

After a few days, the good wizard is killed by a Grizzly bear and strange things begin to happen around the biggest mountain.

Rifts start to open, spawning many abominations to the land.
They attack and enslave the player, who's then hardly able to run again and save his own skin.

He comes to a huge town. Everything is so dark, you could allmost cut the morbidity in the air. He finds a man who tells him about the most powerful wizard being killed and releasing the world's fate into hands of
The Asenath, who has been cursed by the wizard to eternal rotting for killing the former emperor. But the curse could only last as long as the wizard does not die violently.

Our hero then fights for the world and later finds the way to bring his family back.

End can be happy or sad, depending on the player's decisions during the gameplay.

That's all i can say about the story so far.

We will do our best to make a beautiful game, that will be free for you to play.

Wish us luck!
for any hints, i'll come to this forum, so i thank you in advance.
- Miko

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:59 pm
by sudi
actually that sounds like a normal singleplayer game....not really something for a mmo^^
Anyway how can a freaking grizzly kill the mighty wizzard??? well whatever...

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:06 pm
by miklavcicmatic
Sudi wrote:actually that sounds like a normal singleplayer game....not really something for a mmo^^
it's only the basic idea of the story, but all the missions and quests can be played with a NPC (henchmen) or human group.
Sudi wrote: Anyway how can a freaking grizzly kill the mighty wizzard??? well whatever...
and yea... luck i guess? :D
what could kill the wizard then? ideas please...

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:10 pm
by miklavcicmatic
sorry for a double post but - I'm currently developing an IDE for programming MMOs with irrlicht, it will include everything from script editor to map designer(well, automated script wizards actually) with my own scripting language, which i proudly call Rasta++ .

Anyway, the IDE's being developed for our game's purposes, but i can send it to you (the source in VC++2008) for you to put it along side of irrlicht with all the proper documentation on the IDE and scripting language, it just might
make the game crafting easyer.

If you want it, i'd be happy to give it away when it's done.