"2d" camera

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"2d" camera

Post by Guest »

How Can I create a 2d camera like AOE or warcraft??
A camera which moves only on y and x axis!!
Posts: 45
Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2004 12:49 pm

Post by blayde »

i'm only a newbie, so a simple way would be to create a camera ( not an fps one i guess ) and create it at the height and rotation you want ( to set it's distance from the ground, and angle of view ). then use the code from examples 2 - movement supplied with irlicht to detect the keys that move the camera and use those keys to alter the x and y co-ords of the camera.

and you could work from there. for starters you could change that code to use an algorithim to move the camera, rather than just detecting the key getting pushed down, so you could give the camera more power, like smooth movement and acceleration.

i just remembered you can give a camera a list of keys and their associated meanings ; check out the objects you can use.
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Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:54 pm
Location: Germany


Post by segfault »

An orthogonal view might suit your needs,
I'm not sure wether it's possible to archive a top-down view as in warcraft with it, but you could at least use it for an Isometric view as in Baldur's Gate or Fallout.
Look at this link for a tutorial
AMD Athlon XP 2000+. 256 MB Ram, 120GB HDD, NV GF5200, Gentoo GNU/Linux, Kernel 2.6.3
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