3D text?

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3D text?

Post by Mani2010 »

I am looking to create 3d text? Anyone know how to do this? Had a look through irrEdit and couldn't see any way to add text. Can this be done in code using the engine?
Lonesome Ducky
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Post by Lonesome Ducky »

I'm sure you could write the code yourself, but sadly, I don't think this is implemented. This is of course if you are talking about 3d letters, if you're talking about 2d text with a 3d position, then yes, that is possible. If you want 3d letters, I know wings3D can make model out of text for you.
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Post by kburkhart84 »

I have actually had in my head to use OpenGL outline fonts, though in actual use, these aren't very fast. They can be textured and can use any available font on the system though. I haven't had a chance to do it, and if I did, I would run into issues.

1. The tutorial on nehe.gamedev.net works fine... for OGL, and windows.
2. That means no D3D, and no linux.
3. I haven't had a chance to learn any D3D, or the linux version of the wgl functions in order to make it work with Irrlicht. I know I could do just one version, but I really would prefer to make it work with Irrlicht as a whole.

I may eventually do this, atleast in some form or fashion, but I have little time, so I can't promise.
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Post by Mani2010 »

Very strange. In my previous posts the text disappeared...here it is again

Thanks for the replies, yes it 3d text i am looking for. Looking into wings 3d now. Found FTGL on opengl.org which works with linux/windows/mac so i will give that a try aswell. I am using the 3d text in an intro so speed is not a problem. here is the link
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Post by Mani2010 »

something to do with the url tag, i removed that and the post text appeared!!! anyways...
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