I've found that it seems when I load obj files from a directory in my IDE (netbeans) it works fine, importing textures and all. However when I try to make a .jar do this, it loads the mesh and fails to load the material information from the .mtl.
So I thought I'd try putting the models in the jar and loading them from there, even though this makes it a pain as I have to change the code a little to load from the IDE. I'm (apparently) successfully opening the jar, as indicated by the return value of addZipFileArchive's return value. But then I hit two problems.
1. If I get the IFileSystem instance to produce a file list, it doesn't contain any files from the jar.
2. When I want to load a model with iSceneManager.getMesh() and IFileSystem.createMemoryReadFile, I get nothing. There are some weird parameters in createMemoryReadFile that could be causing the problem.
So I'd like to know what to do, even if that resorts to fixing the .obj file problem instead.
How do I get models from a Zip/jar? Obj materials are broken.