Swig problems

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Swig problems

Post by Conan »

This isn't really a bug in irrlicht, I think its actually a bug in Swig. But it seems to be fixable from irrlicht.

I was playing around with making a ruby interface to irrlicht with swig, and found a problem. A lot of the namespaces seem to get messed up when being translated through swig. I was able to fix this by changing the namespaces in the irrlicht .h files. For example, whenever the text SColor or video::SColor appears, I replaced it with its full namespace irr::video::SColor. The same issue appears with the core namespace as well. Any chance in the next release you can use the full namespaces? If you would like to know every location that seems to matter for this, reply to this post and I'll see if I can get a good list for you.

Post by Conan »

I've also noticed that swig doesn't seems to make errors on virtual methods that end with a "const", ie methods like:

virtual const irr::core::vector3df getRotation() const
return RelativeRotation;

I'm looking for a swig-based fix, but having little luck so far.
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Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2004 4:19 pm

Post by Subjective »

I don't actually know anything about swig,
but you quoted a const function:
const getRotation() const;
This would be compiled into an inline (rather, into object.RelativeRotation).
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