example of it: http://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.4.1/
I want to use SFML due to it's very modern C++ code (enum classes, const/rvalue references, almost no pointers, ...) etc
and due to it's flexibility with SFGUI (http://sfgui.sfml-dev.de/) and Thor (http://www.bromeon.ch/libraries/thor/).
They allow to write very pretty code like this:
Code: Select all
thor::Action a(sf::Keyboard::X, thor::Action::PressOnce); // Key X is pressed once
thor::Action b(sf::Mouse::Left, thor::Action::Hold); // Left mouse button is currently held down
thor::Action c(sf::Event::Closed); // SFML Window is closed
thor::Action both = a and b; // X pressed while left key is held down, "and" is a keyword that works the same way as "&&"
thor::ActionMap<std::string> map; // stores actions, obtainable by templated value
map["run"] = a;
map["shoot"] = b;
map["quit"] = c;
thor::ActionMap<std::string>::CallbackSystem system;
thor::Connection con1 = system.connect("run", std::bind(&sf::Sprite::move, &playerSprite, 10.f, 0.f));
// ... other connections with std::bind()
map.update(renderWindow); // polling all events from the window
map.invokeCallbacks(system, &renderWindow); // calls all bound functions - editing maps yield awesome dynamic binding capability
The real problem:
Both libraries can use/return handle to/from created window. Irrlicht allows it in
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IrrlichtDevice* irr::createDeviceEx(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& parameters)
Documentation says that I should pass HWND here if doing it on Windows.
SFML side:
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sf::WindowHandle sf::Window::getSystemHandle() const
- HWND__* for Windows
- unsigned long for Unix/X11 (also Linux)
- void* for MacOS, iOS and Android
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void sf::RenderTarget::pushGLStates()
void sf::RenderTarget::popGLStates()
void sf::RenderTarget::resetGLStates()
Passing handle from SFML window into Irrlicht device constructor seems pretty straightforward. But what to do in case of Linux?
In this case, I don't get a pointer but long integer - what should I do with it? Give Irrlicht address of it? reinterpret_cast<> it?
I have succesfully compiled the whole program on Linux.
Core code:
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sf::VideoMode desktop = sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode();
sf::ContextSettings settings;
settings.antialiasingLevel = 8;
settings.depthBits = 16;
settings.stencilBits = 0;
//my own Logger class
logger.AddLog("Requesting following settings:\n");
window = std::make_shared<sf::RenderWindow>(
sf::VideoMode(WINDOW_SIZE_X, WINDOW_SIZE_Y, desktop.bitsPerPixel),
sf::String("Irrlicht + SFML test"),
logger.AddLog("Created SFML Window with following settings:\n");
irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters params;
params.AntiAlias = 8;
params.Bits = 16;
params.DeviceType = irr::EIDT_BEST; //Device creation fails with anything other
params.DriverType = irr::video::EDT_OPENGL;
params.Doublebuffer = true;
params.EventReceiver = nullptr;
params.Fullscreen = false;
params.HandleSRGB = false;
params.IgnoreInput = true;
params.Stencilbuffer = false;
params.UsePerformanceTimer = false;
params.Vsync = false;
params.WithAlphaChannel = false;
params.ZBufferBits = 24;
params.LoggingLevel = irr::ELL_DEBUG;
params.WindowId = GetWindowHandle(window->getSystemHandle()); // Described below
device.reset(irr::createDeviceEx(params)); // device is std::unique_ptr
if(device == nullptr)
std::cout << "Can't create device!\n";
Errors I get in console: (all output before "Irrlicht Engine" is done by my logger object)
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[2017.01.28 13:15:51]
Starting Application
Requesting following settings:
OpenGL context : 1.1
flags : 0
antialiasing level : 8
bits of depth buffer: 16
bits of stencil buffer: 0
Created SFML Window with following settings:
OpenGL context : 4.5
flags : 0
antialiasing level : 8
bits of depth buffer: 24
bits of stencil buffer: 0
Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.4
Linux 4.4.0-59-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 6 17:47:47 UTC 2017 x86_64
X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 154 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 31 (X_GLXCreateWindow)
Serial number of failed request: 26
Current serial number in output stream: 27
I know that SFML's getSystemHandle returns unsigned long on Linux builds, which is (if I understood correctly) X11 widnow ID.
My function GetWindowHandle takes sf::WindowHandle and returns void*
For Linux it does: return reinterpret_cast< void* >(handle); This seems to be correct way, any other I tried yields X11 error BadWindowId
What could go wrong? Why do I get "BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)"?
Seems it's just impossible.
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4191 ... engl-error
Both libraries create their own OpenGL context, while there can only be one.
The Win32 example (http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/docu/example014.html) told me alot that there is no simple way
to integrate it wilh OS window API. There is no simple solution, without involving writing sphagetti #define code for each system.
I will probably have to give up and just use only Irrlicht for rendering, and use SFML only for audio.