Blender 2.9

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Blender 2.9

Post by chronologicaldot »

Blender 2.92 is the latest remodel of Blender. It requires OpenGL4. I really like how it's been reorganized and improved. Finally they have buttons for things like Knife and Loop Cut (which used to require keyboard shortcuts), though I think vertex meld/merge and some other things still require shortcut keys.
Too bad the addons I have don't work with it anymore. *sigh* I had things like mesh importers, greeble and space ship generators. Times like these I appreciate the (mostly) backwards compatibility of Irrlicht.

Thoughts, comments?
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Re: Blender 2.9

Post by CuteAlien »

I'm still on 2.91.1 (didn't notice 2.92 release - guess I'll update). Took me a long time to get motivated to work with the 2.8 UI and still haven't done too much with it really. I spend more time watching videos about Blender than actually trying to model stuff :-) But I do like the new UI even if it takes a bit to get used to it. So many nice features. Unfortunately I don't have a toolchain yet for exporting any models to Irrlicht which are more complicated than .obj files can handle.
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Re: Blender 2.9

Post by chronologicaldot »

I thought about writing an Irrlicht model or scene exporter for Blender but what deters me is the fact that the extension/addon API for Blender keeps changing. Many if not all of my old addons no longer work. *sigh* It'd be easier just to write importers for Irrlicht that can load whatever model we need from Blender, which is why the Collada importer from Skylicht was interesting (albeit a bit too tied to the weird system of Skylicht to directly use in Irrlicht).
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