trouble with terrainrenderer/triangleselector? read this!

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trouble with terrainrenderer/triangleselector? read this!

Post by Kaeles »

If you scale the terrain using the built in terrainrenderer, when the mesh is created, the scaleing isnt taken into consideration comparing the vertex count with the amount of pixels in the bitmap....
basically, its always going to have the same number of triangles/pixels in bitmap, SOOOOO this means that when you scale the terrain, the triangleselector mesh that is created based off of the normal mesh is created with GIGANTIC triangles if the terrain is scaled way up, which allows avatars/cameras to "fall through" the solution to this is either use a bigger heightmap or scale down the terrain, i have a really craphole video card (geforce 2 mx 400) and i still get above 100 fps when i have like 10 32x32 bitmap terrains scaled to 40 (which is fine and keeps the triangles small enough to keep stuff from falling through).

I am having weird artifacts in my terrain, but ill have to dig through the code to figure out whats going on there.

until the LOD code is fixed, youll have to deal with the stupid big scaling terrain problem.

so, have fun, hope this helps someone.

These pics are screenshots with the FPSCam as close to the terrain as it can get.

GOOD sized triangles!

BAD sized triangles (i fall through on this size... dur dur look how big they are.)
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