Here's the announcement from Freshmeat:
So the 3D/Irrlicht part is only one of several, but it's the most visible oneThe P-UMLaut tool allows the user to transform UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams to semantically equivalent Petri Nets. These Petri Nets may then be simulated using the supplied PN simulator (of PEP descent) or operated on with any tool that can work with high level Petri Nets. By plugging different Realms into the simulation by way of an event filter, the modeled system may then be displayed and interacted with in various fashions. A 3D animation module is supplied as well as two examples utilizing the complete toolchain.

I guess that this part will be most interesting for this community, so I'll detail some more. We are using a 3D world defined in an XML file. All objects of the world refer to some supported 3D object file which is loaded into the world. The XML file also contains animation descriptions which can apply to these objects in order to animate the scenery.
Animation is triggered by events which are received from external tools such as Petri net simulators. These simulators control the program flow of the modelled system such that the 3D part basically consists of only one event reception loop.
Objects of the world may also act as triggers which send events to the simulator upon user interaction. This way the user can have some influence on simulation of a system.
The project goal will be to develop a tool for Formal Software Engineering (aka MDD) which allows to specify a system by means of UML, and simulate (or execute) that system within the 3D world. The project will probably be presented at CeBIT 2006 in the Research&Development hall as part of the Lower Saxony presentation.
Binaries and Source as well as more information can be downloaded at http://www.p-umlaut.de. Looking forward for feedback!