Related projects – Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

Related projects

Another short list of new interesting Irrlicht Engine related projects:

  • Arena of Honor is a multiplayer first person shooter created by Artur Hallmann and Nils Keller which uses Newton for physics, RakNet for networking, Audiere for sound and, of course Irrlicht for graphics. The game already looks quite well and is entertaining, there is a demo waiting for you to download. You can discuss the project in the Irrlicht forum in this thread. I’ve added the Arena of Honor homepage to the link section.
  • IrrSED – A scene editor for Irrlicht created by Tom Williams with export into .h and .cpp files and particle editor. The new shot of the month shows it in action. Notice that IrrSED uses Irrlichts internal graphical user interface system. 😉 I added IrrSED to the link section. (forum thread)
  • Paul Zirkle aka Keless released his ICE framework in version 2.0. Very cool.
  • IrrGame – A gamestate system for easily creating games by Friedrich Schick. (forum thread)
  • Drac’s Irrlicht GUI Designer, a tool for creating Irrlicht GUIs. (forum thread)