GUI Enhancements & 3D Game Editor – Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

GUI Enhancements & 3D Game Editor

As you can see at the screenshot on the left, I am currently working on huge improvements of Irrlicht’s user interface environment. I already fixed lots of API problems and made it easier to use. And I added new widgets:

  • Menus: complete with submenus and also cabable of being used as context menu (when you do a right click for example)
  • Editboxes: with support for clipboard copy & pasting, scrolling, unicode text, short cuts and a lot more.
  • Tabcontrols: everything you need to get more user interface elements on the screen.

These will be included in the next release, hope you’ll find it useful. I added the screenshot to the screenshot page.
The shot also shows the prototype of a 3D game editor I am working on. I am just testing and playing around, it doesn’t mean that I’ll create a generic 3d game editor for the Irrlicht Engine. 🙂