New Projects using Irrlicht – Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

New Projects using Irrlicht

Happy new year 2004! Time to update the list of projects which are using the Irrlicht Engine. I googled the web a little bit and found these new projects:

  • Aitolikon, an interactive, fun simulation of a fantasy world. They also created a MD3 loader for Irrlicht, available on their homepage.
  • Imperial Guard, a FPS with RPG elements. Has a nice designed homepage which unfortunately doesn’t work with my Opera browser.
  • Project Aqua, a Schleichfahrt or Aquanox-style game, with a homepage at sourceforge. Attention: it’s in german language.
  • Heroes, a game developed by Dark Wood Games. Its a mix of Action, Strategy and RPG game, visit their homepage for more information. Attention again: Also a german page.
  • Dusty Engine, a task engine based on Irrlicht, created by Dave Andrews, with its own homepage.
  • 3D Pong, a game by Friedrich Schick. Its name says everything, but it is unfinished yet: Download.
  • Centaur Force, a FPS. For more information read this thread.
  • Razial Game, a kind of fighting game with a homepage at saigumis eve corp.

I added links to the projects with homepages at the link page. Didn’t I list your game or irrlicht related homepage? Just send me a mail (remove the ‘no.spam.’ in the adress).