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by Luke
Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:13 am
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: Error with ISkinnedMesh and attach object
Replies: 2
Views: 660

seems to be with how you are updating the absolute positions of the bones, seems like you are updating them after drawing each frame, not before.
by Luke
Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:05 am
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: CSkinnedMesh, Weight-Vertex many-to-one relation?
Replies: 1
Views: 1012

you talking about how a vertex can be affected by more then one weight? yes this is true. and is used at least by the b3d loader, possibly ms3d and x too, if I remember right. converting between weights to vertices, and vertices to weights data layout should be pretty straight forward, think this is...
by Luke
Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:09 am
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: CSkinnedMesh in pluggable loader
Replies: 1
Views: 498

have a look at ISkinnedMesh
by Luke
Tue May 05, 2009 11:19 am
Forum: Code Snippets
Topic: Anaglyph rendering.
Replies: 28
Views: 32679

@Luke: This is almost a candidate for the screenshot of the month competition. Absolutely awesome Cool. But is it real 3D? Normally the red and green bars around the objects should change their size with distance, shouldn't they? Question yeah it is real 3d, and they do change. The red and green ba...
by Luke
Mon May 04, 2009 1:47 pm
Forum: Code Snippets
Topic: Anaglyph rendering.
Replies: 28
Views: 32679

We should probably set up a tutorial with this code.
yeah sounds good.
Its for 1.5? I got a bunch off errors...
hmm, you may have to use the svn or wait for 1.6. sorry I always work off the svn, I forget what is in each version.
by Luke
Mon May 04, 2009 12:53 pm
Forum: Code Snippets
Topic: Anaglyph rendering.
Replies: 28
Views: 32679

Anaglyph rendering.

hey, though I should post a bit of code I did lately for anaglyph rendering. void CGameEngine::drawAnaglyph() { vector3df oldPosition=camera->getPosition(); vector3df oldTarget=camera->getTarget(); matrix4 startMatrix=camera->getAbsoluteTransformation(); vector3df focusPoint= (camera->getTarget()-ca...
by Luke
Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:18 am
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: Why SPositionKey,SScaleKey and SRotationKey instead Matrix?
Replies: 2
Views: 746

well separating them gives you more functionality, eg rotation and position frames can be at different rates, you can save space as most meshes only use rotation keyframes. optimize meshes that don't use scale, etc. yes there might be rounding errors when loading an x mesh that uses matrices, but x ...
by Luke
Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:37 pm
Forum: Advanced Help
Topic: Copying a SJoint with his weigths to another ISkinnedMesh
Replies: 3
Views: 873

vertex_id=verticesbefore+i; seems odd, are the weights really in order? more then one weight could be on a vertex you know, this wouldn't let that happen.

could you show some more code, like where is verticesbefore, parentjoint, and joint from, etc.

btw what is this for?
by Luke
Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:16 am
Forum: Open Discussion and Dev Announcements
Topic: Irrlicht not notable on wikipedia
Replies: 12
Views: 1870

Irrlicht not notable on wikipedia

Seems Irrlicht has been marked as not notable on wikipedia, anyone have references, etc. to "establish its notability"
by Luke
Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:43 am
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: [fixed] in CSkinnedMesh may be bug...
Replies: 3
Views: 1366

your right, must have skipped up. thanks for finding it.

in the svn.
by Luke
Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:27 am
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: [fixed] getJointNode from IAnimatedMeshSceneNode
Replies: 2
Views: 1216


was missing a call to load the joints in the mesh with the getJointNode(u32) function

if you were to call getJointNode(string) before any getJointNode(u32) call it would have worked.

fixed in the SVN.
by Luke
Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:12 am
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: [fixed] Culling terrain patches according to camera's FOV
Replies: 7
Views: 2374

should be fixed now in the SVN.

sorry it took so long, been busy.
by Luke
Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:29 pm
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: XEffects - Reloaded - New Release (V 1.4)
Replies: 826
Views: 448972

very nice :) amazing work
not sure what's special about the last screenie though
I think it's showing the point lighting?
by Luke
Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:49 am
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: an unnamed FPS game (formerly known as Ant conflict :p )
Replies: 16
Views: 4296

yeah was going to use them ants before, but they are very low ploy for giant ants, good for small ones. was trying to make them higher ploy, but didn't work that well.
by Luke
Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:39 am
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: an unnamed FPS game (formerly known as Ant conflict :p )
Replies: 16
Views: 4296


lol, was going to have giant ants attack you. throw and drag ragdolls around, etc. it's silly, but could be fun. not sure if I'll still do it or not now.