Early screenshots of my first person shooter

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Post by 32_weaselType »


well, I think I'm going to go in another direction than the middle-east setting.

Ill keep you guys posted
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Post by c_olin3404 »

I am s32_weaselType. I realized why I couldn't sign up.... I already was regestered ;)
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Post by qwe »

those screenshots look great! :)
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Post by c_olin3404 »

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Post by afecelis »

great work, kudos!

where can I get the modified line to get Irrlicht to work with 32bit textures?
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Post by c_olin3404 »

go to CDirectX8Texture.cpp

go the line with:
video::ITexture* CVideoDirectX9::createDeviceDependentTexture(IImage* surface)
and under:
bool generateMipLevels = getTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS);
setTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT, true);

compile and smile :)
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Post by afecelis »

thnx c_olin for replying!

I found CDirectX8Texture.cpp but I couldn't find the lines you tell me. I'm using version 6.0 of Irrlicht.

Are you using the same version, or is there a newer one? (or are you working with version 5 or a mod version of Irrlicht?)

sorry to be a pain, but thanx for helping.


Post by Guest »

One question.

Why newton instead ode?

Looks nice the screenshots, congratulations
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Post by Lord_ZealoN »

I'm the guest
Irrlicht, where you were hidden?
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Post by c_olin3404 »

afecelis wrote:thnx c_olin for replying!

I found CDirectX8Texture.cpp but I couldn't find the lines you tell me. I'm using version 6.0 of Irrlicht.

Are you using the same version, or is there a newer one? (or are you working with version 5 or a mod version of Irrlicht?)

sorry to be a pain, but thanx for helping.

Sorry if it sounds like I don't want to help you... but use the search button, it's the best way to find information on the board!

I did a bit of research on ode and Newton, and Newton seemed like it suited me better.


Post by dartsman »


I was wondering if you are going to put the source code up, with all the files to compile too. It would be cool cause I'd love to make a fps, but I don't know how to use irrlicht to place the weapon in the right place, also finding the right models is hard too.

Code: Select all

scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = sm->getActiveCamera();
scene::IAnimatedMesh* weaponMesh = sm->getMesh("data/weapon.md2");
scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* weaponNode = sm->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode( weaponMesh, camera, -1 );

weaponNode->setFrameLoop(250, 280);
weaponNode->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
weaponNode->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture("data/weapon.bmp"));
I got that code from another post in the forum.

Also what file type are you using for the 'world/map'? .3ds, .pk3, .bsp. If your using .3ds how do u get the collision detection done on the .3ds world?

Like I said before it would be really cool if you could release your project, there really isn't much around about FPS with Irrlicht.


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Post by Phreak »

Firstly, you would want to set the weapon model as a child of the camera.

Code: Select all

Secondly, where the position of the weapon is depends on where the modeller of the weapon created the model. If you know about modelling, you know that they can be made at any position on the 3 planes.

"Its just a bit of trial and error" where the weapon is. Change the values until you are satisfied.

If you don't succeed, redefine success!

Post by dartsman »


I'm guessing that you have the gun firing consistantly when you hold down the Left Mouse Button. I was wondering how do get it to do that??

Like the Code that I have for my shooting is:

Code: Select all

else if( event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN )
It only allows the player to shoot one shot, while holding down the Button.


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Post by dartsman »


Just thought that I may as well register


Oh, and c_olin3404 do u have a website up for the game?
Creator of SKIMMER
as seen on TV... err I mean the I: Drive
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Post by c_olin3404 »

dartsman wrote:Hey,

I'm guessing that you have the gun firing consistantly when you hold down the Left Mouse Button. I was wondering how do get it to do that??

Like the Code that I have for my shooting is:

Code: Select all

else if( event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN )
It only allows the player to shoot one shot, while holding down the Button.


I won't post code, because in the long run it is a lot better to write your own code.

But it's very simple, just think about it, there are two modes when shooting a gun, when the trigger is down, and the trigger is up. So I do a EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN and make the client's variable 'trigger' as true, then do a EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_UP and set 'trigger' to false. I know that's very brief, but hope it helps at least a little bit. Currently I'm rewritting my whole weapons system code, so I might post the code after that.

I am using bsp for maps and MS3Ds for weapon models (might be converting to x)

Nope, no website yet, I am actualy thinking of making it just an FPS engine rather than a game because of my terrible wirtting skills and modeling skills. So the source will be released whenever it's ready. It will hopfuly help some to understand how an fps is written and inspire some to write their own.

Thanks a lot for all of the feedback, it might be awhile until the next update
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