irrCg v0.8 (Initial) - CgFX (Texture States, MultiPass etc.)
You may need to send transposed matrices or switch from matrix*vector to vector*matrix. Output a solid Red colour in your PS to see if projection is correct (unless you're background is Red

Irrlicht Demos: http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=45781
Yes, it worked, thanks.
Here's the code again:
The rendermonkey solution: www.orandysoftware.com/user_files/normal.zip
Now comes the pixel bit. In rendermonkey, half of the cube displayed the diffues color like a gradient instead of the textures. I tried loading it in irrlicht and the cube has the specularmap as the diffuse texture, with bumpmap (it seems there's a constant light).
Could someone test to see if it's the shader's problem or the callbacks.
Loads of thanks.
Here's the code again:
Code: Select all
float4 lightPosition; // Object Space
float3 eyePosition; // Object space
float4x4 WorldViewProj;
void vsmain(float4 Position: POSITION,
float3 Normal: NORMAL,
float2 Uv: TEXCOORD0,
float3 Tangent: TEXCOORD1,
float3 Binormal: TEXCOORD2,
out float4 oPosition: POSITION,
out float2 oUv: TEXCOORD0,
out float3 oLightDir: TEXCOORD1, // Tangent Space
out float3 oEyeDir: TEXCOORD2, // Tangent Space
out float3 oHalfAngle: TEXCOORD3 // Tangent Space
oPosition = mul(Position, WorldViewProj);
oUv = Uv;
float3 LightDir = normalize(lightPosition.xyz - (Position * lightPosition.w));
float3 EyeDir = eyePosition - Position.xyz;
float3x3 TBN = float3x3(Tangent, Binormal, Normal);
// Transformacja do Tangent Space
LightDir = normalize(mul(TBN, LightDir));
EyeDir = normalize(mul(TBN, EyeDir));
oLightDir = LightDir;
oEyeDir = EyeDir;
oHalfAngle = normalize(EyeDir + LightDir);
float3 LightDiffuse;
sampler2D DecalMap: register(s0);
sampler2D NormalMap: register(s1);
sampler2D SpecularMap: register(s2);
/* Parallax Mapping
uniform sampler2D HeightMap,*/
void psmain(float2 Uv: TEXCOORD0,
float3 LightDir : TEXCOORD1,
float3 EyeDir : TEXCOORD2,
float3 HalfAngle : TEXCOORD3,
out float4 oColor : COLOR)
float2 TexCoord;
/* Parallax Mapping
float Height = tex2D (HeightMap, Uv).r;
Height = Height * 0.04 - 0.02;
float3 Eye = normalize (EyeDir);
TexCoord = (Height * Eye.xy) + Uv;
// else
TexCoord = Uv;
float3 Normal = 2.0 * tex2D (NormalMap, TexCoord).rgb - 1.0;
Normal = normalize (Normal);
// Œwiat³o rozproszenia
float3 Diffuse = max (dot (LightDir, Normal), 0.0) * LightDiffuse;
float3 DecalColor = tex2D (DecalMap, TexCoord).rgb;
float3 SpecularColor = tex2D(SpecularMap, TexCoord).rgb;
float Specular = max (dot (HalfAngle, Normal), 0.0);
Specular = pow (Specular, 8.0);
oColor = float4 (DecalColor * Diffuse + Specular * SpecularColor, 1.0);
Now comes the pixel bit. In rendermonkey, half of the cube displayed the diffues color like a gradient instead of the textures. I tried loading it in irrlicht and the cube has the specularmap as the diffuse texture, with bumpmap (it seems there's a constant light).
Could someone test to see if it's the shader's problem or the callbacks.
Loads of thanks.

- Posts: 168
- Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:30 pm
- Location: France
now i can write my desired CG editor and kick in the ass the FxComposer, it's too damned heavy =P
umhhh, i saw that cg.dll compiles the program, but enabling it in Irrlicht ?
umhh, i saw it too complicated, Irrlicht design is not too plugin based...
now i will have my own editor yeahhh
Au Revoir =P
now i can write my desired CG editor and kick in the ass the FxComposer, it's too damned heavy =P
umhhh, i saw that cg.dll compiles the program, but enabling it in Irrlicht ?
umhh, i saw it too complicated, Irrlicht design is not too plugin based...
now i will have my own editor yeahhh
Au Revoir =P
My Gramathicalz horrorz are precalkulated, zo Zhut Up !
Bah, actually my english is poor, but...
forget it xDDDD
Bah, actually my english is poor, but...
forget it xDDDD
Have You got problem with compile examples? Have You got properly configure Code::Blocks with MS Platform SDK? Maybe You have bad configure project in MS Visual 2005? What Errors You have got in compilation procces?Steel Style wrote:HUm I have 3 five error, 3 conflict between msvprtd.lib and chernolbylShaderFREE.lib , and one error about extern. How can I do ?
Library helping with network requests, tasks management, logger etc in desktop and mobile apps: https://github.com/GrupaPracuj/hermes
Sounds like he is using "Multi Threaded DLL" or "Multi Threaded" wrongly in the Code Generation settings.
ShadowMapping for Irrlicht!: Get it here
Need help? Come on the IRC!: #irrlicht on irc://irc.freenode.net
Need help? Come on the IRC!: #irrlicht on irc://irc.freenode.net
- Posts: 168
- Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:30 pm
- Location: France
Actually I don't work even more on my code before compile yours and I have this error. I use MVS 2005
Erreur 1 error LNK2019: symbole externe non résolu "class irr::IrrlichtDevice * __cdecl irr::createDevice(enum irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE,class irr::core::dimension2d<int> const &,unsigned int,bool,bool,bool,class irr::IEventReceiver *,char const *)" (?createDevice@irr@@YAPAVIrrlichtDevice@1@W4E_DRIVER_TYPE@video@1@ABV?$dimension2d@H@core@1@I_N22PAVIEventReceiver@1@PBD@Z) référencé dans la fonction _main main.obj
Erreur 1 error LNK2019: symbole externe non résolu "class irr::IrrlichtDevice * __cdecl irr::createDevice(enum irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE,class irr::core::dimension2d<int> const &,unsigned int,bool,bool,bool,class irr::IEventReceiver *,char const *)" (?createDevice@irr@@YAPAVIrrlichtDevice@1@W4E_DRIVER_TYPE@video@1@ABV?$dimension2d@H@core@1@I_N22PAVIEventReceiver@1@PBD@Z) référencé dans la fonction _main main.obj
Its a linker error, not run-time, and its for an unresolved external (If my spanish is any good). So I think he just forgot to link the irrlicht lib.

Code: Select all
pragma comment(lib,"irrlicht.lib");
ShadowMapping for Irrlicht!: Get it here
Need help? Come on the IRC!: #irrlicht on irc://irc.freenode.net
Need help? Come on the IRC!: #irrlicht on irc://irc.freenode.net
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- Location: France
Version 0.5 of Cg Binding for Irrlicht was done! Project has got new name - "IrrCg". With current version You can easy create Cg Shader, similar to create Irrlicht standard shaders per Callback, because it is full integrated with Irrlicht functions:) Now You can use Cg Shaders per Irrlicht Material. You can easy convert HLSL Irrlicht Shaders to Cg Shaders. I update all examples to new interface, so You can see than use Cg in Irrlicht is VERY, VERY EASY! First post update for downloads;) I'm waiting for comments:)
Library helping with network requests, tasks management, logger etc in desktop and mobile apps: https://github.com/GrupaPracuj/hermes
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hey nadro, i updated the link in ur space here,
for anyone here it is too. i HATE the stupid share file services
for anyone here it is too. i HATE the stupid share file services

Big thanks FuzzYspo0N for upload! 

Library helping with network requests, tasks management, logger etc in desktop and mobile apps: https://github.com/GrupaPracuj/hermes