<- has a trouble with infoarchitecture due to a past work
XD nice, specially for a realtime rendering!

thanks! the glasses were just add-color (and the diffuse color is gray) and i place some shininess in irredit.mk.1 wrote:You should really place the forks 180° rotated - nobody would place them like this.
Some kind of specular on the glasses?
Everything else looks very nice. I especially like the vases
Code: Select all
finalSpec = materialSpec * lightSpec * ( reflectLightVec dot viewVec ) ^ F
Code: Select all
F = tex2D(specularMap, pos);
Yes. Except there isn't anything currently in the game to take health away, nor can you shoot the gun yet to deplete your ammo.lucifer1101 wrote:i love it too, good job although as you said it is a bit shabby, but that can be fixed easy by changing the textures.
is this a functioning system with the health and ammo