accessing submeshes using meshbuffers

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accessing submeshes using meshbuffers

Post by EvIl_DeViL »

HI! do you know how to access to singles submeshes using meshbuffers?
I searched for a while in the forum but i couldn't find something useful...
I need to open a castle's gate.
don't answear me something like "use singles animations" because if I have "n" door in a room i don't want create "n!" animations...
even ik nodes... ok for door but if I need other transformations?
I think also I can do something better instead creating different files for every object i need to transform.
it would be great if you can post a couple lines of snipphet
because my

Code: Select all

count 47 but max says "hey man! they're 35..." (after select all)
thank you!!!
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