Setting up Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition correctly

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Post by lostanimator »

Project : error PRJ0003 : Error spawning 'C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\cl.exe'.

which is exactly the same as the one starting the post, as I mentioned.

I still have tried with the order of includes and lib adresses, but no luck whatsoever...

Just checked out another afelecis tut in spanish, and I have done everything described in there, but can't compile any of the sample projects, nor any of the ones I had running before formatting...
Software documentation is like sex. If it's good you want more. If it's bad it's better than nothing.
...that's a big truth, it's just so frustrating to fail doing something you've done before... not that I knew exactly what I was doing, but it led me to a point in which I could compile, and now I can't even get it running.

the log files says this, I've tried switching off the firewall (just in case i was due to a disk access problem, but it does the same):

Creating temporary file "c:\irrlicht\PROYECTOS\loadlevel\Release\RSP00000238562388.rsp" with contents
/O2 /Oi /GL /D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /MT /Gy /Fo"Release\\" /Fd"Release\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TP .\main.cpp
Creating command line "cl.exe @c:\irrlicht\PROYECTOS\loadlevel\Release\RSP00000238562388.rsp /nologo /errorReport:prompt

Thanks for quick answer, anyway
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Post by lostanimator »


On and identical computer I have next to this:

- Windows XP SP3 (licensed, of course)

1) I have copied straight from one PC to the other:

- c:/irrlicht , including the "PROYECTOS" folder, with a copy of Clavet's level loader and irrlicht.dll within

- my SDK folder, which contains

2) Installed VC toolkit 2008 from the same CD as earlier, burnt from the official ISO downloaded from MS site. No MSDN, Silverlight or any extras...

3) Pointed at both the include and lib folders in c:\irrlicht\..., as mentioned in tutorials.

It runs!! no problem, but the issue is I need it runnign in this computer too.

Do you reckon I need to reinstall windows? there must be a way of completely removing the VC toolkit, but surely not through the control panel method, and also tried Ccleaner, but some wrong settings remain...

both folders containing just include and lib folders
Last edited by lostanimator on Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bitplane »

For your PRJ0003 error, I'm guessing your command line is broken. "Release\vc90.pdb" should be "Release\\vc90.pdb", otherwise it will insert a \v, which is an unknown control code
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Post by lostanimator »

I reckon you refer to the release folder of the project, and perhaps to the release settings for output in the IDE, which remain as installer left them, I'll chek that after I install again, but don't understand why it didn't happen in the other PC ¿?

Thank you very much for your help
Last edited by lostanimator on Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bitplane »

Code: Select all

/O2 /Oi /GL /D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /MT /Gy /Fo"Release\\" /Fd"Release\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TP .\main.cpp
/Fo"Release\\" <- has escaped backslash, or double backslash
/Fd"Release\vc90.pdb" <- has single backslash, possibly "\v" as a control code

Oh and the part where you chat is the textbox at the bottom of the screen, just enter text and press return!
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Post by lostanimator »

working after another attempt of cleaning up installation and reinstalling, despite the fact it kept all settings for VC, including SDK custom paths, and so on... no matter what registry cleaners I used...

Now I thought it would be good to find out what happened, as it seem a quite common issue.

Thank you all for helping
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Post by lostanimator »

...hi again.

This morning, after I managed to get it working last night, I succesfully compiled the project about 15 times, and after closing the IDE, it came with the same message again.

Bitplane adviced to reset settings in VC, but the problem stays...

I'll keep track of "advances" (too positive to call this advances...) I manage to achieve), and thanks you all for being so concerned about it, and trying to find out what's wrong.

I feel so clumsy about this...

Whenever I find the cause I'll try to put together the process for avoiding/fixing it.
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Post by Sylence »

are you running Visual Studio as administrator ?
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Post by lostanimator »

yes, I use the admin account.

i read dozens of posts here and elsewhere, resuming:

- reinstall (done, unsuccesfully))
- check include and lib paths, and file presence (done, unsuccesfully)
- install c# (not done, as when it worked it wasn't there either...)
- known bug admitted by MS in beta 2 ¿?
- access disk violation (firewall off, no luck)
- double slash in vb90 file path in output settings (also worked without changing anything)
- reset preferences (still doesn't work)
- reboot and restart IDE (...)

UPDATE: Someone mentions possible system resources overload, just using chrome and thunderbird, plus a couple of instances of explorer... just in case...

I'm running out of resources...
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Post by lostanimator »


giving some credit to this link... ... cbcac466c4

my VCComponents.dat file contains:

Include Dirs=C:\irrlicht\include;$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\include;$(WindowsSdkDir)\include;$(FrameworkSDKDir)include
Reference Dirs=$(FrameworkDir)$(FrameworkVersion);$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\lib;$(VCInstallDir)lib
Library Dirs=C:\irrlicht\lib\Win32-visualstudio;$(VCInstallDir)lib;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\lib;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\lib\i386;$(WindowsSdkDir)\lib;$(FrameworkSDKDir)lib;$(VSInstallDir);$(VSInstallDir)lib
Source Dirs=$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\src\mfc;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\src\mfcm;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\src\atl;$(VCInstallDir)crt\src
Exclude Dirs=$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\include;$(WindowsSdkDir)\include;$(FrameworkSDKDir)include;$(FrameworkDir)$(FrameworkVersion);$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\lib;$(VCInstallDir)lib
Path Dirs=$(VCInstallDir)bin;$(WindowsSdkDir)\bin;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\Tools\bin;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\tools;$(VSInstallDir)Common7\ide;$(ProgramFiles)\HTML Help Workshop;$(FrameworkSDKDir)bin;$(FrameworkDir)$(FrameworkVersion);$(VSInstallDir);$(SystemRoot)\SysWow64;$(FxCopDir);$(PATH)

SysWow64? is taht about 64 bit OS, mine is not... but again it was working earlier today...

"See you" on monday, thanks 4 being there, I feel less "unicellular" knowing some people pay attention to other's struggle.
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Post by lostanimator »

This thread points out all PATH related issues on finding cl.exe and the mspdb80.dll... ... 043f732d68

I hasn't worked for me yet, but when I looked at env vars there was a mess caused by several defective installations...

will post again when fixed
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Post by lostanimator »

solved (metaphorically...)

Lastly it seems that it was all due to a faulty install, together with the mess created in the environment paths.

I uninstalled everything related to VC, MS sdk, and DX SDK, and started installing on VC toolkit, and pointing to the good old include and lib folders I downloaded from the codeblocks tutorial (not using the installers for directX and MS plattform, which are a little unstable, at least in my experience...)

I had a couple of spawning errors and firewall permission queries, but all fine now.

This seemed to help, too... but not sure it's compulsory. ... ng+cmd+exe

Thanks all for reading/replying.

Peoples's intesrest and cooperation rises motivation, I hope I can help other soon, too. Now numbers fly above my head too far...
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Post by lostanimator »

finally was due to path error caused by consecuentiall installations.

Worked when:

- Installed a clean IDE (VC toolkit 2008)
- linked to dxsdk and plattform sdk include and lib
- linked to irrlicht include and lib

Thanks to all that helped
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