Im also not very much into head modeling, but yours looks really strange to me... Adding more details would only make sense if your head "edgeflow" is constructed correctly.
If it looks good (with shading) it should have a good edgeflow. Anyway I think your model has its neck too much forward. Also your model doesn't seem to have a jaw. Also the top of the head is too triangular, try moving the top vertex a bit down and the side vertexes (top left top right) a bit to the center and a bit more down. also move the middle part of the chin a bit up.
Thanks for your suggestions. I understand what you mean by "edgeflow". I was thinking there was a specific technique but its just removing all the dis-continuous edges and allow the model to "flow". Anyway this is what I got now.
I still dont think the jaw's quite right, Try feeling your own jaw, since you're a human you should be able to determin the edges under your chin. Its like this the front of your head is mounted on your neck. its like you have a bend pole with a bit bigger head on it (You can see in the front view, it should have an edgy part somewhere under the ear.
I am not following a tutorial because I couldn't find any.
Did you skip my post ? In my last post I gave you a link, and if you check the model tutorial section on this page you will find alot more video tutorials about human head modeling.
xray wrote:
Did you skip my post ? In my last post I gave you a link, and if you check the model tutorial section on this page you will find alot more video tutorials about human head modeling.
@xray That is an awesome video tutorial. Thanks. I think I can learn to apply those concepts.
I am not a designer or modeler but after watching this video I understand edgeflow and to some extent the placement of poles. Starting simple and building complexity.
I can see a vast difference between the flow of Alpha Omega's model and the one in the video. Also, the size of the quads is more consistent and not too large in any area. Alpha Omega has some very large quads on the side and top of the head.
Alpha Omegas curves don't flow so much even though they continue. They change too sharply.
definately better than your last model by a lot, but still needs work. good to see you took advice and are working on it, after a little while, i think you'll be really proud of what you can produce.
keep up the work.
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