Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback.
Virion wrote:i'm just curious, did you manually paint the lighting (red light) or did you use light maps?
We rendered a lightmap in 3dsmax and exported it on a second mesh. Then we loaded both meshes and combined them in a new SMesh with multiple SMeshBufferLightMap (a technique found on the forums). Not the most elegant solution but it works (and who cares about disk space nowadays). We were'nt able to find any static 3d filetype which let us properly export the second set of texturecoordinates into the same file.
PI wrote:I'm not sure about the controls though... Do you control the crosshairs by the mouse?
Yes for "normal" users the crosshair is controlled with the mouse and the movement with WASD. It's also possible to use a wiimote which is connected to the pc. It's a nice gimmick which we already presented at our university's booth at fmx/2010 in Stuttgart and we got the impression that people liked it.
But the controls via a mouse work quite well.
Notice you cannot rotate the character. Since we wanted wiimote support and found it quite hard to have aiming and character rotation at the same time we fixed the view.
Also, we decided to have the crosshair as a 3d object in the scene to avoid any depth violations in stereo which might occur with a 2d hud. Thats also why we went the Dead Space route for the HUD and have the current health and ammo meters connected to our main character.
BlindSide wrote:Yes, I am just using the easy method of allowing the driver to calculate the 3D viewpoints. The other method if you want custom 3D stuff is to provide 2 buffers to render to, but it's not a very clean method if you read about how it's done.
We did our first tests with the nVidia drivers aswell and it already looks pretty cool. But I'm a coder so I just had to implement a stereo camera myself *g*. It was nessecarry because the universities 3d projector required a side by side view of the two scenes, which can be done quite easily in Irrlicht.
And also we created an anaglyph mode, so we can check the 3d at home:

(for everybody who is wondering, anaglyph without grayscaling = major headache
