Irrlicht 1.7.2 lib and dll
Also when you earlier recompiled Irrlicht yourself did you maybe forget to set the
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ACE247 wrote:You probably also need the .lib [This includes dll and lib]
Irrlicht 1.7.2 lib and dll
Also when you earlier recompiled Irrlicht yourself did you maybe forget to set theline in IrrCompileConfig.h ?Code: Select all
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depthMC = new DepthShaderCB(this);
shadowMC = new ShadowShaderCB(this);
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// Reject vectors outside the unit sphere to get a uniform distribution.
do {randVec = vector3df((f32)rand() / (f32)RAND_MAX, (f32)rand() / (f32)RAND_MAX, (f32)rand() / (f32)RAND_MAX);}
while(randVec.getLengthSQ() > 1.0f);
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f32 a=((f32)rand()/(f32)RAND_MAX)*2.0*PI;
f32 b=((f32)rand()/(f32)RAND_MAX)*PI-PI/2.0;
f32 r=((f32)rand()/(f32)RAND_MAX);
randVec=vector3df(cos(a)*cos(b)*r, sin(a)*cos(b)*r, sin(b)*r);
SG57 wrote:Hmm I'm trying to get XEffects to work as a 'sun' source for my map/terrain.
I've been messing with using just 1 light, really far away with a small field of view and the proper near/far values, as well as multiple lights, but I just can't seem to get shadows that A.) don't flicker/cull as you pan the camera around and B.) aren't really blocky.
I tried to make use of the directional boolean but I cant get a directional light to work period ;\ Anyone got an XEffect directional shadow light working?
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I.eff->addPostProcessingEffectFromFile(core::stringc("shaders/BrightPass") + shaderExt);
I.eff->addPostProcessingEffectFromFile(core::stringc("shaders/BlurHP") + shaderExt);
I.eff->addPostProcessingEffectFromFile(core::stringc("shaders/BlurVP") + shaderExt);
I.eff->addPostProcessingEffectFromFile(core::stringc("shaders/BloomP") + shaderExt);
Sorry I have no idea what you just said, it sounds like you're contradicting yourself!stefbuet wrote:Hi,
I don't understand why you draw caster nodes into the shadowmap, and the receiver when comparing depth to produce shadows. For me, occluders (casters) are seen from the light view (shadowmap render) and shadowed areas (receivers) are seen by the user camera view (comparing shader) so I would do it the other way. What did I miss ?