Game Programming School

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Game Programming School

Post by Seven »

I am retiring in April and will finally have what I have searched for my entire life...… time :)

With this new found time, I would like to take my hobby game programming to a new level and take some online game programming courses.
I am particularly interested in learning OpenGL and Vulcan at a fairly deep level, at which point I hope to become useful here for adding core engine functionality.
I am also interested in learning shader programming in a school type environment.

what I am not interested in is game design classes.

Does anyone know of useful, in depth programming courses that I might be interested in? I tend to learn better in a structured format.
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Re: Game Programming School

Post by devsh »

Vulkan Discord:

Graphics Programming Discord:

There are some more links to gamedev discords too

PBR Book

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Re: Game Programming School

Post by CuteAlien »

Don't know courses. But the one book about game programming I'd like to send back in time to my younger self is "Game Engine Architecture" from Jason Gregory. It covers most topics you can run when writing games. Sometimes maybe with a little too much detail (animation system, really more info than you'll ever need unless you write your own), sometimes a little short (not too much about shaders, but it still a good introduction to render engines). So not great for OpenGL/Vulcan, but as a general game coding book it's fantastic. And certainly animation would be a part our engine also needs to have reworked... so if that's also of interest to you then this is an even better book :-)

I wouldn't recommend the PBR book for game programming (maybe when writing a renderer from scratch and when writing a non-realtime renderer it's probably the best book out there). It's really advanced. Instead I'd go with "Real-Time Rendering" (Akenine-Möller, Haines, Hofffman) which is deep enough to keep one busy for a while. I mean - check the index on Amazon - if that stuff sounds too trivial then yeah, PBR book is the next level.

Fastest way to learn is probably just working an a game and then look up stuff when you are stuck. At least that's the case for me. I never learn it correct when I read books first before I even worked with some tech.
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Re: Game Programming School

Post by c0nchojack »

I asked my co-worker at Apknite and this is the answer for you:
handmade hero is great, but he only uses C and a very small subset of C++ (he really hates the majority of C++ and OOP in general)

you'll learn a lot, but he's been going almost everyday for over a year and still isn't finished

there's no reason to do udemy

just go here and work through every tutorial and read all the "topics" at the bottom of the page

and go here and read all the manuals

and do this playlist and any other recent playlist you find on youtube ... lymer=true

this guy also has lots of good tutorials

and he often live streams

there's really no need to pay for anything -- all this stuff is free

spend time doing all those unity tutorials, look stuff up in the manuals and documentation when you don't understand something

it may take awhile for things to "click" and make sense, but just keep going

just focus on Unity and you'll learn lots
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Re: Game Programming School

Post by Seven »

I have now taken the plunge into creating my own Vulkan engine. I don't expect it to rival the big names, but the experience so far has been pleasant (I have my 900 lines of code colored triangle completed). Although I truly love Irrlicht and have created some nice things with it, I am looking forward to this new challenge and will often reference Irrlicht classes for material. My engine layout seems eerily similar to Irrlicht. We will see how it goes :)
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