Flaming on Cipher Forum
Flaming on Cipher Forum
Saurav Mohapatra
author, artist and bona fide geek
web: http://www.mohaps.com
email: mohaps AT gmail DOT com
Saurav Mohapatra
author, artist and bona fide geek
web: http://www.mohaps.com
email: mohaps AT gmail DOT com
hehehe, I had already realized that a long time ago. Too bad I did spend the 100 bucks and never used the engine
Irrlicht is so easy to understand and so friendly to work with!

Irrlicht is so easy to understand and so friendly to work with!
Last edited by afecelis on Tue May 17, 2005 4:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
latest on the ciphe rforums...sometimes these people have no idea what they are talking about... for example:

latest on the ciphe rforums...sometimes these people have no idea what they are talking about... for example:
bt wthe quot eis from the original "irrlicht" threadmay i put it this way?
- player of known formats which are still under licence because these formats are part of its engines (eg Quake2); commercially useless (but .X format is pretty good, I never ever use .X format)
- too much 3d formats for one engine makes a little rush in code; it's distracting somehow
- lot of features is in early stage of development this will have serious impact on architecture of engine
- those "pretty" videos I can generate with custom build engine made in 8 hours (or less), however API is
IRRLICHT will become something like OGRE soon, an over-engineered software. A lot of libraries from different people. This is not bad, but in stress scenes those engines losing performance.
A lot of guys in here have big plans, with big games. But I can assure even if you will not have playable prototype of the game with almost 50% of features working, you can't say you do this, because if you can't do this now, you can't do this ever.
With Cipher I had performace results I never had with any other engine. I know there should be some new updates within Cipher, it will help a lot, but I think stronger effort of all guys in community would help too.

Last edited by mohaps on Thu May 19, 2005 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Saurav Mohapatra
author, artist and bona fide geek
web: http://www.mohaps.com
email: mohaps AT gmail DOT com
Saurav Mohapatra
author, artist and bona fide geek
web: http://www.mohaps.com
email: mohaps AT gmail DOT com
It's funny how flame wars can start over something that boils down to "personal choice".cypher forum thread wrote:You must be a licensed developer to view this thread
They talk about how Cypher is better than Irrlicht, but in the same sentance, state how Irrlicht is better than Cypher.

I don't know anything about the Cypher engine. I'm not even worried about it, or it's features. I like Irrlicht.
If it exists in the real world, it can be created in 3d
Sys specs:
AMD 3700+ 64 processor
1.0 gb ram
e-Geforce 6600 graphics 256 mb onboard ram
Sys specs:
AMD 3700+ 64 processor
1.0 gb ram
e-Geforce 6600 graphics 256 mb onboard ram
copied from the cipher forum:
I purchased Cipher and I think it's a great engine. It's definitely an engine for programmers (which I'm not), so I got a bit lost. I ran into Irrlicht and found its code easy to understand and apply; I was loading up my quake 3 levels in no time; but Irrlicht stopped being a Quake 3 loader or clone long time ago, its community has worked hard and has developed its own formats and loaders. Check this screenshot:
It's completely modeled in 3dsmax and exported to an Irrlicht format called "My3d" by Russian programmer Zdimitor. I don't feel I've been ripped off with Cipher; I see it more as an investment for when my learning process with Irrlicht is mature enough to understand Cipher's code (perhaps I never will). I won't deny I tried to work with Cipher, set up 3dsmax, place the exporters...but everything was a bit complicated. I was never able to even load a box in the renderer, but that's me, and as I said, I'm no programmer. So in the end, Irrlicht is perhaps a little less agressive for us newbies, has a pretty curious and active community, and most important, is open to everyone who's willing to learn it and give something in return. I'm very fond of Irrlicht cause it has been my mentor in C++. Although I'm learning at my own pace, there are others who fly like a ray with it! Another important thing is Irrlicht adapts to any budget and any tools you got, form free to expensive ones. You can create in Blender, Milkshape, Wings3d, or 3dsmax, and get great results in the engine.
There are very professional projects being developed with it:
I also got Torque, AMP2, Power Render, Reality Factory Pro, 3dgamestudio, and some others, and I don't see any of them as a waste of money. Everything is experience in life. Use what gives you results, work with what you guys feel comfortable.
here's a small vid of the same level.
http://www.danielpatton.com/afecelis/Gi ... _giles.zip
today Zdimitor added the possibility of importing billboard trees with properly generated lightmaps. so that's the next thing I'll learn these days. Then I'll try to learn something new... audio..physics? dunno. It's really up to you!
you guys could also share more of your stuff and take cipher to the next stage. Don't expect Rik to do everything.
"Irrlicht Engine Moderator"
"Cipher licensee"
But this is not what can satisfy me. I need to see something better, stronger, nicer...hybrid wrote:Maybe you should try the demo and examples included with the downloadable distribution of Irrlichttoxinid wrote:Is there around something like "demo" showing IRRLICHT is what you gus saying? "A good engine" Need to see a good example.
Nebula is the best example of what a Open Source Engine Lacks:
1) Tutorial of first step (how to make a hello world).
2) Good docs.
3) Functional game how shows engine working, with sourcecode that actually shows how to make it work, and learn engine way of do things.
Irrlicht lacks of 2 & 3. (dont think bad, Im not any kind of fanatic or antifanatic
As moderator says, each engine have Its own pros and cons.
This kind of thread (which engine is better?!) Its mainly written by kids or people how doesnt know that make a game its time consuming, its a JOB, and you need to KNOW things like coding, modelling, sound...
If you want to make a game without knowledge, try to MOD half life, neverwinter nights, or something like that.
I challenge the people who post things like:
"Cipher dont do that!" "Why this engine isnt better" "could you add support to this?" "Hey! I know I have to code, but I want a engine like Unreal for free for my mmorpg/fps/whatever!"
To show us a Tetris clone, a Pacman clone, ANY FULL GAME, that he/she/they did before.
About PS aka fragment programs:
Guys, before ask for Pixel shaders support, learn how to CODE a pixel shader!
1) Tutorial of first step (how to make a hello world).
2) Good docs.
3) Functional game how shows engine working, with sourcecode that actually shows how to make it work, and learn engine way of do things.
Irrlicht lacks of 2 & 3. (dont think bad, Im not any kind of fanatic or antifanatic

As moderator says, each engine have Its own pros and cons.
This kind of thread (which engine is better?!) Its mainly written by kids or people how doesnt know that make a game its time consuming, its a JOB, and you need to KNOW things like coding, modelling, sound...
If you want to make a game without knowledge, try to MOD half life, neverwinter nights, or something like that.
I challenge the people who post things like:
"Cipher dont do that!" "Why this engine isnt better" "could you add support to this?" "Hey! I know I have to code, but I want a engine like Unreal for free for my mmorpg/fps/whatever!"
To show us a Tetris clone, a Pacman clone, ANY FULL GAME, that he/she/they did before.
About PS aka fragment programs:
Guys, before ask for Pixel shaders support, learn how to CODE a pixel shader!
I guess to each his own, I don't think Irrlicht is lacking in the docs. The manual is clear and and easy to read and on the plus side if you need to see source code there is plenty to be found on this forum.Anonymous wrote:Nebula is the best example of what a Open Source Engine Lacks:
1) Tutorial of first step (how to make a hello world).
2) Good docs.
3) Functional game how shows engine working, with sourcecode that actually shows how to make it work, and learn engine way of do things.
Irrlicht lacks of 2 & 3. (dont think bad, Im not any kind of fanatic or antifanatic)
as for 3 the demo shows you a nearly complete game. It even toss in sound even though Irllicht does not have native sound support. If the demo is not a good example then there are other games that can be found on the forum that are also complete.
toxinid, in regards to seeing a nicely built and feature rich tech demo; I don't believe you'll get one. The reason isn't being that Irrlicht can handle it graphicly, but it being that Irrlicht doesn't have to sell it's self with a nice tech demo as it's an open source engine and there are no fees attached. In compairison to Cipher, which is a commercial engine and has to provide a visualy pleasing tech demo in order for there to be business. These are just the thoughts in my head currently on this matter, I just woke up and it's to early for me to get in depth