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Post by kburkhart84 »

I use WinXP, and only WinXP. Nothing against Linux, I don't know much about Linux, so I can't say much. I am satisfied with XP, so I don't feel any need to switch to another OS.
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Post by Andreas »

xhrit wrote:It is a minimalist distro that is built for stability; as such it has few tools and uses the more stable 2.4 kernel.
Well, that's also true for Debian, FedoraCore, Gentoo, etc...
It's all what you want your linux to be, and especially the kernel is one thing you can install for every distro as you like it. Just go to ftp.kernel.org and grab your stable (and dusty) 2.4 kernel.
Wow, i didn't know it was so easy to start a kernel fight. ;)
xhrit wrote:except there is no automagical tool to help you. You have to do it all by hand. That is hardcore.
:lol: lol, and i always thought a good packet management was the ONE thing that linux is better in than windows. Now i see i was wrong. ;)

By the way, i think gentoo is really a good distro for beginners because it is easy and when you stay with the stable packages, nothing should go wrong (even if you do "emerge world -uDa" three times a day ;)).

I just don't like to hear that some distro is the only, most hardcore of all and that linux is thousand times better than windows, etc...
Everyone should simply use what suits him/her best. :)
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Post by xhrit »

>Well, that's also true for Debian, FedoraCore, Gentoo, etc... Just go to ftp.kernel.org and grab your stable (and dusty) 2.4 kernel.

The opposite is true for slack - the 2.6 kernel is not included on the disk! If you want it, you have to go to ftp.kernel.org.

>i always thought a good packet management was the ONE thing that linux is better in than windows.

Slackware packet management is the most simplistic package management I have seen so far. Basicly, a slack pack is just a gun zip file that you extract to the root directory. Easy to make, easy to use, easy to modify.

>I just don't like to hear that some distro is the only, most hardcore of all and that linux is thousand times better than windows, etc...

I never said slackware was the best, or the most hardcore. Fact is, Slackware is the most Unix-like distro. It is ONE ov the best linux distros, and ONE ov the most hardcore linux distros. LFS (Linux From Scratch ) would have to have my vote for MOST hardcore (too hardcore for me!), and slackware would get my vote for best OS for ME... But I don't think I have ever said that slackware, or linux even, was the best OS... for anyone.
Core2Duo E8400 3.0ghz - 2048mb DDR2 800 - geForce 9600 - Slackware12.1

Word-image-symbol programming limits, controls, and imprisons the individual.
Smash the control images, smash the control machine.

Post by hybrid »

The most UNIX-like without a real package system :shock: I think there is no real Unix out there anymore without a good package revision system. With real I mean typically used in application critical places. Although most of these systems have only an awkward user interface they should support clean removal and proper dependency checking if you really want to use the system. I have used the Solrais system several times and think it's quite usable, though all of them (i.e. also rpm, apt etc) have some inherent problems - or maybe a really usable package system is just infeasible to produce.
And BTW: I'm using SuSE now for several years and really like the convenience they provide with their system. Adding some "latest improvement" update sites allows to stay with the bleading edge versions of most tools while still having quite a stable system.
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Post by xhrit »

I'm on a 800 mhz pentium 3. What use do I have for cutting edge!? seriously tho, I am not a hardcore linux user. I have only been using it for 1/10th the time I have used dos/windows.

When I decided to quit windows I tried many other things; beOs first then red hat, but couldn't get them to work. slackware install reminded me ov oldschool dos, plaintext config files remind me ov old autoexec.bat and config.sys, and it just kind ov stuck. I have used knoppix for a while, and looked into debian since, but slackware suits me better.

I have never compiled my kernel. I rarely compile programs - I'd say a good 90% ov the stuff I use was installed via packages. I only recently figured out how to split up my filestructure into different directories - what is good because I am always funking up my box. ( I have no clue what I am doing) now, I keep my /home folder on a 2nd disk, so when I screw something up I don't have to spend 3 days looking on google to try and fix it, or moving my 30 gigs ov files back and forth across the network - I can just reinstall slackware (takes me about 20 min) and be back up in less then an hour.

Core2Duo E8400 3.0ghz - 2048mb DDR2 800 - geForce 9600 - Slackware12.1

Word-image-symbol programming limits, controls, and imprisons the individual.
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Re: ...

Post by Andreas »

xhrit wrote: I never said slackware was the best, or the most hardcore. Fact is, Slackware is the most Unix-like distro. It is ONE ov the best linux distros, and ONE ov the most hardcore linux distros.
... But I don't think I have ever said that slackware, or linux even, was the best OS... for anyone.
No, you didn't, and if i implied you did in my posting i apologize. :)

But to get ontopic again:
For games i use Windows XP SP2.
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Post by vermeer »

I used to have Mandrake, Redhat, even suse...I used to like even before xwindows times. And had a multiboot system, as I was never against windows...or linux. ;)
Finally making games again!
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Post by CuteAlien »

It's mostly Kanotix for me (a distro based on Debian-SID and Knoppix). Sometimes i boot a Win98SE, but that's mainly because i don't have other Windows-Versions here (yeah, you _can_ still buy Computers without Windows). But if i had the choice (spelled: money) my second System wouldn't be 98 but 2000.
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