VisualEditor 1.0-1.4
All headers are included in source dir. Also there are examples for MS VC and DevCPP with soureces an bin - see example dir. You must add only several code lines - see tutorial. By default you need only to point your level name. Just use devCPP example project and replace name of level with your level name.

Last edited by etcaptor on Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This additional feature can be supported in next version

Seems Irrlicht does not support multiple animations for .X files, but I made a fix: ... php?t=7452

Seems Irrlicht does not support multiple animations for .X files, but I made a fix: ... php?t=7452
Last edited by etcaptor on Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yet, our fan club is grows to several members
I like it too. Sorry for my humor, but I have not received some bug report from users even for these bugs that I know. So, it's maybe useless or with bad design or sucks or I don't know...
This is a tool that can be useful for increasing of speed of development. I believe that every average Irrlicht user can make similar tool for own purposes after several months of work.
Because I work on this tool only in my missing spare time, post like your can only ) increase my motivation. Thanks for that!

I like it too. Sorry for my humor, but I have not received some bug report from users even for these bugs that I know. So, it's maybe useless or with bad design or sucks or I don't know...
This is a tool that can be useful for increasing of speed of development. I believe that every average Irrlicht user can make similar tool for own purposes after several months of work.
Because I work on this tool only in my missing spare time, post like your can only ) increase my motivation. Thanks for that!
from several days portland hosting does not work
Try to download it directly from: ... or_0.4.rar
from several days portland hosting does not work

Try to download it directly from: ... or_0.4.rar
Hi, Captor!Sorry for my humor, but I have not received some bug report from users even for these bugs that I know. So, it's maybe useless or with bad design or sucks or I don't know...
Check your self-confidence. You made a great tool. I prefer 0.3 because of the very annoying and obvious perspective viewport bug in 0.4. I tried 0.4 but as i cannot navigate in this viewport i had to switch forth and back between 0.3 and 0.4. Please put up a minor update with at least that bug fixed as 0.4 is much less useful without it. Then we can test it better

I suppose this bug is related with keyboard navigation right? I found it but on PC of my work. On my home PC this bug does not appears.
Keyboard contlorl is lost when on the scene does not exist nodes. If you place one node like particle or some model you will get keyboard contrlol back.
I found one line of code related with it and now it's improved and soon will upload fixed version.
If you found another undesired effects, just tell me.
Thanks for feedback.
Keyboard contlorl is lost when on the scene does not exist nodes. If you place one node like particle or some model you will get keyboard contrlol back.
I found one line of code related with it and now it's improved and soon will upload fixed version.
If you found another undesired effects, just tell me.
Thanks for feedback.
Visual Editor
Hi Captor,
Navigation with mouse AND Keyboard? I have to try. Never thought of that, as all Editors
i were using could be nicely navigated using the mouse exclusively. Maybe you could tell us how it is supposed to work.
What i was trying to do:
Sometime in VE you get in a mode where there is a finelined rectangle in the perspective viewport, when you click between outside the rectangle but still inside the persp. viewport it moves the camera in the respective direction. This works for left and right and down. But not for UP! To prevent a workaround, you have foreseen that people will try to turn it more than one revolutiion. But you have limited the range. Bang. No way around. Please fix that.
Thats what i meant in the previous post.
Thank you for your attention.
Navigation with mouse AND Keyboard? I have to try. Never thought of that, as all Editors
i were using could be nicely navigated using the mouse exclusively. Maybe you could tell us how it is supposed to work.
What i was trying to do:
Sometime in VE you get in a mode where there is a finelined rectangle in the perspective viewport, when you click between outside the rectangle but still inside the persp. viewport it moves the camera in the respective direction. This works for left and right and down. But not for UP! To prevent a workaround, you have foreseen that people will try to turn it more than one revolutiion. But you have limited the range. Bang. No way around. Please fix that.
Thats what i meant in the previous post.
Thank you for your attention.
This rectangle indicated that camera have input receiver enabled. You can enable/disable input receiver by clicking of right mouse button.Sometime in VE you get in a mode where there is a finelined rectangle in the perspective viewport
You don't need to click left mouse button for scrolling of camera - only move mouse cursor in left,right,top or bootom band of perspective viewport when input receiver is enabled and camera will scrolling automatic.when you click between outside the rectangle but still inside the persp. viewport it moves the camera in the respective direction
This works for left and right and down. But not for UP!

Sorry, but I can't understand exactly what you mean about range.But you have limited the range. Bang. No way around. Please fix that.
I meant that application must be in maximized mode.
Navigation must work for all viewports for single and multiple views.
Navigation must work for all viewports for single and multiple views.
This direction was choiced because when you move any node in left direction for example camera will follow moving direction at the same time.when you click between outside the rectangle but still inside the persp. viewport it moves the camera in the respective direction