Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

Welcome to the Irrlicht Engine

The Irrlicht Engine is an open source realtime 3D engine written in C++. It is cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL and its own software renderers. OpenGL-ES2 and WebGL renderers are also in development. It is a stable library which has been worked on for nearly 2 decades. We've got a huge community and Irrlicht is used by hobbyists and professional companies alike. You can find enhancements for it all over the web, like alternative terrain renderers, portal renderers, exporters, world layers, tutorials, editors, language bindings and so on. And best of all: It's completely free.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – March 2010

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for March 2010: wing64 – Ready to Fight. Another win for wing64’s game engine. Well done! As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – February 2010

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for February 2010: Sash – Low alt hovering. A close competition between this technical screenshot against an emotional second place. Congrats! As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – January 2010 and Best of 2009

Once again we have two winners of the Screenshot of the Month contest. This time it is the first in 2010, and the best of all screenshots from 2009! For January the winner is Mel – Olimpus Asteroid. Under all winners of last year, Suvi with Gekkeiju Online was chosen as best screenshot of 2009. With just one vote ahead, this was a very tight race with wing64 on runner ups. Congratulations to all of you, you made brilliant scenes.
You can find the screenshots and all other contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Irrlicht 1.7.1 released!

We just released Irrlicht version 1.7.1, fixing a few bugs of the latest major release.
All users of 1.7 should update to this version, because it also fixes a severe bug in the aabbox collision test which causes reduced rendering speed. In addition, a compilation problem on Mac OS X was corrected.
See changes.txt in the SDK for details.
Happy downloading!

Irrlicht 1.7 Released!

We just released Irrlicht version 1.7.

New features are:

  • Added Multiple Render Target (MRT) support
  • Added support for geometry shaders (OpenGL)
  • Addes possibility to access texture mipmaps and to provide custom mipmaps
  • Ogre .mesh format animations now supported, and Ogre 32bit indices as well
  • NPK (Nebula device archive) support added
  • New VertexManipulator interface for simple creation of vertex manipulation algorithms
  • Added Separate TextureWrap modes for U and V coordinates and the option to mirror wrap
  • Added Bzip2 and LZMA support and AES encryption
  • Added options to 2D drawing like thickness, anti-aliasing and filtering.
  • VBO Support for skydomes and similar
  • Support for external windows in Mac OS X
  • Lots of other improvements and bug fixes

See changes.txt in the SDK for details.
Happy downloading!

Monthly Screenshot Contest – December 2009

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for December 2009: Firgof – New Year’s Celebration. Very nice! As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Irrlicht 1.6.1 released!

We just released Irrlicht version 1.6.1. This version contains a lot of bugfixes and corrections, like improvements with the GUI Environment, Lightmap rendering and DMF loading, and keyboard mapping under Linux.

On a related note, a new version of CopperCube has been released today as well, which now supports exporting scenes to .irr files. It also features a special property window to edit Irrlicht scene node properties and materials and can be used as world editor for Irrlicht.

Irrlicht Maintenance Release 1.5.2 now public

We just released an update to the 1.5 branch of the Irrlicht engine, version 1.5.2. It contains several updates and bugfixes, related to terrain smoothing, joystick support, OS/XCode updates and MS3D loader fixes. Happy downloading!

Monthly Screenshot Contest – October and November 2009

Here are the winners of the Screenshot of the Month contest for October and November 2009: Firgof: The Handoff in October and andres – GrassSceneNode in November. Congratulations. You can find the screenshot and all other contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Irrlicht 1.6 Released!

We just released Irrlicht version 1.6. As always, this version contains a lot of bugfixes and corrections, but also some new features:

  • New mesh and image loaders (.PLY mesh loader, .RGB, .RGBA, .SGI, .INT, and .INTA textures)
  • New Material properties ColorMask, Mipmap LOD, Depth test function, AlphaToCoverage, selective Anti-Aliasing
  • New console device and possibility to create different devices from the same library
  • OverrideMaterial for changing material properties globally
  • New Filesystem with tighter integration of different archive types
  • Improved Software rendering engine

See changes.txt in the SDK for details.
Happy downloading!