Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

Welcome to the Irrlicht Engine

The Irrlicht Engine is an open source realtime 3D engine written in C++. It is cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL and its own software renderers. OpenGL-ES2 and WebGL renderers are also in development. It is a stable library which has been worked on for nearly 2 decades. We've got a huge community and Irrlicht is used by hobbyists and professional companies alike. You can find enhancements for it all over the web, like alternative terrain renderers, portal renderers, exporters, world layers, tutorials, editors, language bindings and so on. And best of all: It's completely free.

Irrlicht 1.4.2 Released!

We are happy to announce that we just released Irrlicht version 1.4.2. This version
contains a lot of bug fixes and improvements:

  • Unified handling of the zwrite enable flag for transparent materials for compatibilit with older Irrlicht versions. There are now functions in
    IVideoDriver and ISceneManager to enable/disable ZWrite flags of transparent materials.
  • Improvements of the file loaders, OpenGL renderer, memory usage
  • Optimization of the skeletal animation rendering code
  • Tons of other bug fixes and small improvements

See changes.txt in the SDK for details.
An irrEdit version for 1.4.2 (the 3D editor for irrlicht) is also already available.
Happy downloading!

Irrlicht Nominated in CCA 2008, daily build server up

Irrlicht has been nominated in the Sourceforge.NET 2008 Community Choice Awards in two categories: ‘Best Project for Multimedia’ and ‘Best Project for Gamers’. Please vote for us!.

In other news, Mac Burns just let us know that the Irrlicht nightly build server is now up and running.
Thanks for all this work!

Irrlicht 1.4.1 for MacOS released!

Irrlicht 1.4.1 for MacOS is now available at the sourceforge servers. It comes as 85MB sized .dmg file. Happy downloading.

Irrlicht 1.4.1 released!

We just released Irrlicht 1.4.1, it is now available at the sourceforge servers. Happy downloading. Version 1.4.1 is mainly a bugfix release and includes:

  • Improvements to the COLLADA 1.3 loader, support for Milkshape 1.8 files, Enhanced .3ds, .obj loaders, Microsoft .x file animation playback improvements
  • Added X11 support on OSX
  • Several speed optimizations
  • Tons of bugfixes, API enhancements and other small improvments

In addition, a new irrEdit version which is 100% compatible with irrlicht 1.4.1 has been released as well. irrEdit is a free 3D scene graph editor for irrlicht. See the change log for details.

IrrExt Project online

There is now a new project available at sourceforge net, named IrrExt. Although the status message on the project page indicates the contrary, the project is active and its SVN contains a collection of extensions to the Irrlicht Engine, like scene nodes, animators, GUI elements, materials, shaders, mesh loaders, physics wrappers and more. It is managed by bitplane and Zeuss, and extended constantly. The official forum announcement can be read here.

Irrlicht 1.4 for Mac OS released

Following the release of Irrlicht 1.4, the package for Mac OS is now available as well: download Irrlicht 1.4 for Mac OS 1.4.
The dmg file contains all source files but no precompiled binaries, you need to compile it yourself using XCode. It was created by Varmint, and we are happy to announce that he now joined our team to keep on maintaining the Mac OS version of Irrlicht.

Irrlicht 1.4 released

We just released Irrlicht 1.4. It includes all features from the beta version such as

  • A rewritten unified skeletal animation system with some more sophisticated long awaited features such as manual joint animation.
  • Irrlicht’s own file format: .irrmesh, for static meshes.
  • Mesh writing support: Write collada, .stl and .irrmesh files. Irrlicht now can also read .stl files and be used to convert any file it can read into these file formats.
  • Enhanced Particle System reintegrated from the irrSpintz fork
  • Improved GUI: Keyboard control support (tab, shift etc), SpinBox,
  • PointSprite support
  • Improved collada, .obj, .my3d and loaders
  • Tons of bug fixes and other feature enhancements

Happy downloading!

Irrlicht 1.4beta released

We just released the first beta version of Irrlicht 1.4. Basically, this is revision 1012 from the subversion server, with precompiled binaries, examples and documentation. Irrlicht 1.4 will have the first major (breaking) API changes as we are moving towards a better engine, so we are releasing this beta for all people to try it out and to help us to improve it until the stable release.
Thanks to all people helping out, and especially to all members of the Irrlicht Team. Happy downloading, and please be aware that this release is beta only.

Various Irrlicht updates

We are currently working heavily on the next Irrlicht Engine release. But in the meanwhile, take a look at these new or updated Irrlicht releated projects:

  • AMELIA is a project for High-Energy physics featuring the ATLAS detector at CERN, the world’s largest particle physics lab. It uses Irrlicht for 3D graphics and irrKlang as sound engine.
  • Galactic Dream: Rage of War has been released, a commercial realtime strategy space game using Irrlicht
  • Stefan Dingfelder released Jirr 1.3.1, the Irrlicht 3D engine for Java. It is now compatible with Irrlicht 1.3.1, and includes more demos such as a physics demo using JNewton, and an examples on how to load and display .irr files. It also now supports JDK1.6 and script languages (Javascript).
  • irrKlang 1.0, the audio library with Irrlicht integration has been released.
  • GameIterator published the first part of an article on how to create a computer game, it uses Irrlicht as example.
  • Amulet of tri color is a a cool looking commercial game by WiredPlane Labs team, Razinkov Ilya. It will soon be published in Russia.
  • A new version of irrEdit, the Irrlicht Editor, 1.4alpha has been released
  • Loris Bognanni created an alternative irrlicht font tool.

Announcement: Dropping Irrlicht.NET support

Support for Irrlicht.NET, the wrapper written in Managed C++ which makes Irrlicht available for .NET languages such as C#, VisualBasic and similar will be dropped with the next release. Instead, we encourage to use Irrlicht.NET CP, which is a separately maintained sourceforge project with much more functionality than Irrlicht.NET. It is very easy to switch from Irrlicht.NET to Irrlicht.NET CP, and it also has the advantage that your projects will run on Mono and on other operating systems such as Linux as well then. Extending Irrlicht scene nodes is also possible with this library. The latest release, Irrlicht.NET CP 0.8 also supports Irrlicht 1.3.1.