Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

Welcome to the Irrlicht Engine

The Irrlicht Engine is an open source realtime 3D engine written in C++. It is cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL and its own software renderers. OpenGL-ES2 and WebGL renderers are also in development. It is a stable library which has been worked on for nearly 2 decades. We've got a huge community and Irrlicht is used by hobbyists and professional companies alike. You can find enhancements for it all over the web, like alternative terrain renderers, portal renderers, exporters, world layers, tutorials, editors, language bindings and so on. And best of all: It's completely free.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – December 2010

Another winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest, this time for December 2010: Mel – Olimpus Demo 2. I must admit, despite the strong participatrion both with submissions and votes, we have had a clear winner with almost 50% of the votes. Well done, a truly impressive screenshot. As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – November 2010

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for November 2010: Andres – irr RPG. Once more, we have had a very close and tight competition. As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery

Irrlicht book published

Great news for all beginners, but also for all others who want to take a deeper look into Irrlicht application development. Packt Publishing published the first Irrlicht book. It is written by Johannes Stein, and is provided as printed book as well as an eBook. Right now, only half of the book is available, but the eBook can already be bought (up to where it actually exists, with full update for the final version). Check it out!

Irrlicht 1.7.2 released!

We just released Irrlicht version 1.7.2, fixing a few bugs of the latest major release.
All users of 1.7 should update to this version.
See changes.txt in the SDK for details.
Happy downloading!

Monthly Screenshot Contest – October 2010

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for October 2010: xDan – Unnamed Puzzle Game. We have had a very good participation this month, and a close and tight competition. The winning screenshot is from a well done game, check it out! As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – September 2010

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for September 2010: omaremad – Arch Vis Radiosity. Another winner showing a special effect and render technology. Keep up those things! As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – August 2010

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for August 2010: Stefbuet – Dual paraboloid. Again a clear winner, even though all participants had really good shots. Very nice one! As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

CopperCube now free for Irrlicht users!

Today, CopperCube 2 has been released. Since a lot of Irrlicht users have been used as editor for their Irrlicht scenes, it is now basically free to be used as Irrlicht editor: Exporting .irr scenes in CopperCube 2 will now also work although the trial period end has been reached.
Download CopperCube 2 here.

Monthly Screenshot Contest – July 2010

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest for July 2010: Nova – Lava Factory. A clear winner this month, where screenshot and game are definitely worth it. Congrats! As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.

Please also note that strong99 has taken over the monthly contest supervision. Thanks for helping out here, this should avoid situations as we had with the last contest.

Screenshots April-June 2010

Here is the winner of the Screenshot of the Month contest, this time for months April, May, and June 2010: borges – humble screen. Due to time problems on our side, we had to reduce the amount of contests for the last month. Nevertheless, this is a very nice winner. Keep it up. As always, you can find the screenshot and all contestants in the forum and the gallery.