More projects using Irrlicht – Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

More projects using Irrlicht

If you are new to Irrlicht, there is a very objective article available on, giving a short overview about the engine. It was written by Ian Gowen and also comments my rusty english, which I commented in return. 😉
There are several new projects using the Irrlicht Engine. I added links to all homepages of them to the link section:

  • 2080 – Space Colonisation, a space game hosted by sourceforge and eve-corp, there is already a tech demo available
  • Necor, a 3rd-person network action game.
  • Project Urbanus, an adventure/quiz-like game with a 3rd person view, playing in a real city in the 1920’s.
  • Tower, a role playing game hosted by sourceforge.

I also replaced the lemon team icon with a newer one. I chose the new shot of the month from a posting by s32_weaselType, it is a first person shooter he is working on.
And last, I updated the DevCpp tutorial, several people sent corrections for it, thanks to all!