New SotW, german forum – Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

New SotW, german forum

Christian Lins sent news to me, that there is an other forum for the Irrlicht engine, in German language. It can be found here. I added a link to it from the link page.
Taking a look at the eve-corp webpage, you can see, that there are already 4 new projects with the Irrlicht engine on it. I’m looking forward to see the first screenshots of these games.
Some development news: The next version of the engine will have a lot more new features than planned, because some users sent in their personal enhancements, which I will integrate into the engine. I will talk about details later, but be prepared: It will be very cool. 😉
And last: I updated the shot of the week, with an image you maybe already know.