Free webspace & new project – Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

Free webspace & new project

You are doing a project with the Irrlicht Engine and need some free webspace for it, including a forum and an email adress? Take a look at www.eve-corp.comSaigumi set up this free site for Irrlicht Engine projects only. I think this is a very great service. A very big THANK YOU! goes out to Saigumi. For details take a look at the eve-corp site or into the open discussion forum.
Another interesting news: There is a new project using the Irrlicht Engine. It is a game AID for the role playing game ‘Shadowrun’, created by WhytWulf. Seems that he has used Ogre before and now switched to Irrlicht.
I added links to saigumis eve-corp and the shadowrunonline.sf site on the link page and updated the author page.