Search found 17 matches

by Aleyer
Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:52 pm
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: irrCg v0.8 (Initial) - CgFX (Texture States, MultiPass etc.)
Replies: 227
Views: 115603

Hi! A lot of time has passed since the last time I programmed Irrlicht apps, but here I am once again. I just want to ask one question now, can I use IrrCG for applying some nice-looking materials onto meshes and simultaneously use XEffects - Reloaded (
by Aleyer
Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:13 pm
Forum: FAQs, Tutorials, Howtos, and external tool lists
Topic: Rotate a Node, face another node
Replies: 22
Views: 42748

I modified it a little irr::core::vector3df faceTarget(irr::core::vector3df targetpos, irr::core::vector3df nodepos) { core::vector3df nodePos = targetpos - nodepos; float degree = atan(nodePos.Z/nodePos.X) * (180.0f / irr::core::PI); if((nodepos.X - targetpos.X) > 0) { degree = 90 - degree; } else ...
by Aleyer
Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:18 am
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: irrCg v0.8 (Initial) - CgFX (Texture States, MultiPass etc.)
Replies: 227
Views: 115603

I wouldn't ask for a VS 7.1 project if I managed to make the example link and build. What changes am I to apply to standart irrlicht example project to be able to use IrrCg? The problem is the mentioned above linker errors. I included all the needed .h and linked all the .lib in the main.cpp, added ...
by Aleyer
Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:01 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Irrlicht killing Windows display driver?!
Replies: 5
Views: 607

I had this happened 2 times already not a long ago, the last time - yesterday. The MeshViewer example worked (irrlicht 1.4) (as well as Blender, Photoshop and so on), then I launched IrrEdit 1.4alpha, found out that I had forgotten to exit MeshViewer, seitched to it and pressed close button of XP wi...
by Aleyer
Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:41 pm
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: irrCg v0.8 (Initial) - CgFX (Texture States, MultiPass etc.)
Replies: 227
Views: 115603

What about me, poor VS 7.1 user? Is the project for it included?
by Aleyer
Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:56 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Terrain Node problem!!!! :(
Replies: 18
Views: 2761

No, the mesh is not detailmapped. But when it is, the whole (I think) mesh is covered by stripes, like the right side of the cube on the first screen.
by Aleyer
Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:57 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Terrain Node problem!!!! :(
Replies: 18
Views: 2761

Here are the shots, first comes detailmapping. Wrong one in D3D9: Right one in OpenGL: Lit terrainmesh in D3D9: Lit tiled terrain with applied l...
by Aleyer
Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:51 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Terrain Node problem!!!! :(
Replies: 18
Views: 2761

I'll post some screens when I get home. The terrain looks OK only when no lightning is applied, with it it looks a bit horrible) As I don't need the scene to be real-time rendered, I will use TerrainMesh, which with 2048x2048 heightmap and lightning looks quite nice. And a question about detail mapp...
by Aleyer
Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:35 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Terrain Node problem!!!! :(
Replies: 18
Views: 2761

Well, it was rather easy. I created a 1025x1025 heightmap, devided it into 64 129x129 tiles so that the next tile contains the last row of pixels of the previous one. Then I created the terrain and exported it into irredit. in it I switch texture wrap to clamp without repeat and everything looks sea...
by Aleyer
Sun Dec 23, 2007 8:56 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Terrain Node problem!!!! :(
Replies: 18
Views: 2761

I have exactly the same problem. I cut the 903x903 pixels terrain into 129x129 pieces, created a tile heighmap using for (v=1;v<=7;v++) { for (u=1;u<=7;u++) { str1="D:/3D/2008/DATA/heightmap/h"; str1+=v; str1+=u; str1+=".bmp"; scene::ITerrainSceneNode* terraiin = smgr->addTerrain...
by Aleyer
Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:19 pm
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: irrCg v0.8 (Initial) - CgFX (Texture States, MultiPass etc.)
Replies: 227
Views: 115603

Help me please) I've got too little experience in programming in VS, unfortunately. But somehow I want to make a small animated movie before the 2008 comes... Hope not to face too many problems in coding, but here is the first. And without shaders scene will look rather ugly..
by Aleyer
Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:11 am
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: irrCg v0.8 (Initial) - CgFX (Texture States, MultiPass etc.)
Replies: 227
Views: 115603

Well, I tried it, but adding cgD3D9 and cgGL doesn't change the number of errors, and adding irrcg.lib increases number of linking errors up to 10.
by Aleyer
Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:49 pm
Forum: Project Announcements
Topic: irrCg v0.8 (Initial) - CgFX (Texture States, MultiPass etc.)
Replies: 227
Views: 115603

Unfortunately got these errors: 01.HelloWorld error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class IrrCg::CG_CListner * __cdecl IrrCg::CreateCgInterface(class irr::IrrlichtDevice *)" (?CreateCgInterface@IrrCg@@YAPAVCG_CListner@1@PAVIrrlichtDevice@irr@@@Z) referenced in function _main 01.HelloW...
by Aleyer
Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:19 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Blender, .x and Irrlicht...
Replies: 0
Views: 237

Blender, .x and Irrlicht...

I've successfully made 2 .x animations for Irrlicht already, but have some problems with the third one. And of course I don't know what are they caused by... :x I've got an animated Blender mesh,it exports OK and loads in Irrlicht (but doesn't load in MView). But some parts of mesh are deformed with...
by Aleyer
Fri Dec 15, 2006 10:11 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Simultaneous actions
Replies: 7
Views: 523

If I would have any other silly questions I would ask them here... :)