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Post by Cloudef »

Little update, nothing much.
I'm resting to gain more powers xD ... 619-143520
Thinking about awesome stuff that will come true in ages is what keeps you working dreaming about how great it will be,is even better then the feeling you will achieve...So no need to relativize your staement.

Sounds really awesome except for the stuff only certain players will get.
Frankly in my expirience that means alot of reastarting, even if the items are useless if you see people running around with stuff you dont have you will restart, and grind and w/e ^^```yeah i guess I'm a fashion whore in mmo too

I would really like the comunity aspect.I remeber the best time in any MMO was FFXI where you couldn't do anything without a group,which created an awesone comunity feeling)especially when trying to play with the absolutely awesome japanese players.
On the other hand it meant alot organisation and waiting for a group >____<``)

Scripted events are always good.In a game with 2d graphics you dont expect it, so when it happens its really amazing, without stupid bloom and shaders and whatever so go for it
On the other hands any event will push the hardware.

Recently i was working on the boss of the game ,mk1 and me are creating. I really wanted transformation sequences and all the single frame graphics add up....alot....really alot, so hope you get a good designer who can transport the feeling with standard graphics
( I whish i could do it like in cave story 1.7MB and the game feels so alive )
Fun, I've played FFXI too. I played around level 45 (DRK) until i got bored. It just took so much time and it had some flaws. Hopefully they learned those flaw and make the next mmorpg (FFXIV, which looks btw promising) even better :P

As for restarting it would not help to obtain that item. I kind of like uniquess in MMORPG, that you aren't just one in the mass. It wont be something like its all powerful item when you get it. The game will be more skill oriented and the equipment is just good boost. Also the game will not use classes nor jobs. I've always hated the class/job system. Instead of those you get Grid. This grid can be make bigger when certain conditions are met. You place stuff into the grid like weapon and you can link magic or abilties etc supported linking to that weapon to boost it, or even transform it to different thing. You must cleverelly to fill this grid as the space will full up fast and you can link into different stuff. This grid then gives you abilties, stat boost, magic, weapons, etc...

Let's say you get "Ultimate Weapon" xD, it takes 8 grid space.

Code: Select all

[   ][   ][W]  (This whole thing is the weapon block)
[   ][   ][   ]    | (It takes space 8 grids)
[   ][   ]       <- (It can be in different shapes)
The W is the weapon those empty slots are link slots. You can link stuff that the Weapon supports into them. If you have enough small weapon with free space and the weapon supports another weapon, you could link it and get dual-weild. Also imagine fire sword if you link it with fire magic.
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Post by tinhtoitrangtay »

I hope you release source code when you finish it. When you're release somebody can make work on Windows. Thanks
Game Project Nice
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Post by Cloudef »

It works under Windows already :P, btw i got addicted to CaveStory <_<
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Post by Cloudef »


Was messing around with Map editor, and thought that i should add support for GUI Elements.
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Post by Fluffybunny »

°.° your system sounds really amazing, reminds me somehow of the ro2 system (no offense your game wont suck that much..cant believe i wasted some hours with the beta ><)
=D yeah cave story is awesome.I'm still getting scared hearing the hell soundtrack.....evil cute angel thingies....trying to kill me ....from every direction
Aye aye, dood!
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Post by FuzzYspo0N »

Good to see cloudef. Keep up the awesome work
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Post by Cloudef »


Damn, taking break and still feeling bit unmotivated, maybe i should start rewarding myself after i get parts of core engine done. I would not like to have another project die on motivation loss. Any tips to make me work harder? Usually when i start project i get lots of done really fast, but then it stops. I really want to continue this no matter what O_o

While googling some tips i try to struggle with Code::Blocks!
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Post by Virion »

nice nice nice. imo people will help you out with graphics once your engine is complete/near complete.
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Post by sudi »

yeah if u can show working gamedynamics you will easily find people on moddb or gamedev.
We're programmers. Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand. We're not excited by renovation:tinkering,improving,planting flower beds.
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Post by Jookia »

Cloudef wrote:Thanks!

Damn, taking break and still feeling bit unmotivated, maybe i should start rewarding myself after i get parts of core engine done. I would not like to have another project die on motivation loss. Any tips to make me work harder? Usually when i start project i get lots of done really fast, but then it stops. I really want to continue this no matter what O_o

While googling some tips i try to struggle with Code::Blocks!
Find bugs, make a bug list.
Make a todo list.

Some goals:

Set goals to have modular things.
Remove every bug.

Or if you're just unmotivated, re-read your code, add comments.
Maybe while you're doing that, look for ways to optimize it.
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Post by BlindSide »

Start another project! :P

Jk then you'll NEVER get around to finishing this one :lol:

I know, stress test the network (And graphics) by putting 1000 NPC in the same place and see how it performs.
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Post by Virion »

start to code some monsters and kill all of them to keep you motivated. :lol:
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Post by Jookia »

Take a dump or go to bed. Or have a shower.

Anything to do get bored. Really, when I'm bored I have Epiphanies about designs.
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Post by Josh1billion »

Very impressive work you've shown so far. Best of luck to you, and I hope you find that motivation/inspiration you're now seeking. :)

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Post by Cloudef »

I know, stress test the network (And graphics) by putting 1000 NPC in the same place and see how it performs.
start to code some monsters and kill all of them to keep you motivated.
Sounds fun! I think the thing that is motivating me down is the UI coding part. >.< I think I'm gonna buy myself something sweet after I've finished some current tasks.
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