Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

Welcome to the Irrlicht Engine

The Irrlicht Engine is an open source realtime 3D engine written in C++. It is cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL and its own software renderers. OpenGL-ES2 and WebGL renderers are also in development. It is a stable library which has been worked on for nearly 2 decades. We've got a huge community and Irrlicht is used by hobbyists and professional companies alike. You can find enhancements for it all over the web, like alternative terrain renderers, portal renderers, exporters, world layers, tutorials, editors, language bindings and so on. And best of all: It's completely free.

No more holes anymore

A lot of users were discovering strange holes in some Quake 3 levels when they were loaded and displayed with the Irrlicht Engine. Last night I debugged the whole thing and fixed the bug. I posted the code for this into the forum, and the fix will of course be included in next release.
The screenshots to the left (and also the new shot of the week) show a gothic style level created by Myth, with which I tested the bug. It now works perfectly. And as you can see on the shots, I also added a new material type: Because my onboard gfx adapter is not able to display texture + lightmaps modulated by 4, I added a material in which the lightmap is not multiplied but added to the texture. As always I added these nice shots to the screenshot gallery. I’m sorry for the bad render quality, but my onboard gfx adapter is trying its best. 🙂

Animated .x file wanted

There is no skeletal animated mesh included in the Irrlicht SDK, to show of what the engine is able to do with skeletal animated meshes. Because I am currently working on .x file loading and displaying, and I want to add a new tutorial in the upcoming Irrlicht 0.5 SDK, I need a free animated .x file.
Yago already sent in his model of a dwarf, you can see it on the left. But to make it fair, I’ll announce this here in public.
If you think your animated model is also nice or even better, it should be included in the next SDK and your name placed in the credits, then send it to me (remove the .nospam in the adress).
You can create it in any 3d animation package, which is able to export .x files, like Maya or 3DS MAX. The exporter is included for example in the full DX9.0 SDK in DX90SDK\Extras\Direct3D\Plug-Ins\, or you can download it separetely as DXSDK Extras from microsofts homepage. To check if you exported it correctly, you can open it with Microsofts mesh viewer, also included in the DX9 SDK at DX90SDK\Bin\DXUtils\mview.exe. Note that some other 3d packages have native support for .x file exporting, and don’t need the exporter plugin.

Related Projects

Again, there are some new Irrlicht Engine related and very interesting projects and addons, which Irrlicht Engine users might find useful:

  • ICE – IrrLicht Common Engine Framework: is an attempt to provide a framework for Irrlicht which will enhance rapid production of new projects. It has its own homepage.
  • 2D Image and Sprite classes: Extremely useful library extending Irrlichts 2d capabilities. Can be downloaded with documentation, examples and a cool demo from its homepage.
  • Irrlicht Particle Editor: It does not have its own homepage yet, but you can find any informations at this thread in the forum, there are some cool screenshots available, and you can download it from here.
  • AVI Reader, created by rt. Take a look at the full code and the tutorial in this and this thread in the forum.
  •, a member organization formed to promote the development and use of opensource 3D game software. On the homepage you can find links to Irrlicht, and to its competition, like fly3d, neo and ogre. [Hello from Irrlicht to all, if you read this! ;)]

As always, I added links to the projects with homepage on the link page.

New SotW

Time for a new shot of the week. This time, it shows two screenshots from FMORG, a Free Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game, using the Irrlicht Engine.

Some people keep asking me, how ‘Irrlicht Engine’ is pronounced. As I already posted into the forum, there is a .wav file in which you can hear a girl speaking it out correctly. I’m sorry for the bad quality, I don’t own a good microphone. (Send me better .wav’s if you like.) I also added a link to the file in the FAQ.

More new projects

After I posted the long list of new projects (see below), I received some mails, pointing me to more projects using the Irrlicht Engine. So here are 3 more:

  • FMORG, a Free Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game, with its homepage at sourceforge.
  • Galactic Racer, a racing game with futuristic racing cars/ships. There is a homepage with a downloadable demo already.
  • Irrlicht Tetris, a tetris game made by Paul Zirkle, complete with source, downloadable from its homepage.

I added links to the projects with homepages at the link page. Didn’t I list your game or irrlicht related homepage? Just send me a mail (remove the ‘no.spam.’ in the adress).

New Projects using Irrlicht

Happy new year 2004! Time to update the list of projects which are using the Irrlicht Engine. I googled the web a little bit and found these new projects:

  • Aitolikon, an interactive, fun simulation of a fantasy world. They also created a MD3 loader for Irrlicht, available on their homepage.
  • Imperial Guard, a FPS with RPG elements. Has a nice designed homepage which unfortunately doesn’t work with my Opera browser.
  • Project Aqua, a Schleichfahrt or Aquanox-style game, with a homepage at sourceforge. Attention: it’s in german language.
  • Heroes, a game developed by Dark Wood Games. Its a mix of Action, Strategy and RPG game, visit their homepage for more information. Attention again: Also a german page.
  • Dusty Engine, a task engine based on Irrlicht, created by Dave Andrews, with its own homepage.
  • 3D Pong, a game by Friedrich Schick. Its name says everything, but it is unfinished yet: Download.
  • Centaur Force, a FPS. For more information read this thread.
  • Razial Game, a kind of fighting game with a homepage at saigumis eve corp.

I added links to the projects with homepages at the link page. Didn’t I list your game or irrlicht related homepage? Just send me a mail (remove the ‘no.spam.’ in the adress).

.X file loader

Anyone knows the girl on the left screenshot? Right, it is Microsofts well known tiny.x model from the DirectX SDK. During my very short holidays I implemented a .x file loader. It cannot play .x animations yet, but already loads ASCII .x files very fast. It only needs 50 ms to parse and create a model from the tiny.x file, which is 1.4 MB ASCII text. Because Microsoft created a very excellent .x exporter for Maya 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 3DS Max 3,4 and 5, it is now very easy to create content for Irrlicht with these professional 3d gfx packages. The reader will be included in next release.

Merry X-Mas

During the next week, you won’t get any answers from me in the forum or per mail. I’ll spent the holidays in the deep mountains of Austria, without any internet, so don’t get angry if I don’t answer you as quick as usual. But you can mostly count on other Irrlicht Engine users, for example in the forum. Happy Holidays!
There is a new shot of the week as you can see: Robomaniac sent it in. It seems to be a 1st person shooter, anyway it simply looks cool. 🙂

Doc upload, MD3 and Physics

As always, I forgot to upload the documentation for the new version of the engine. Sorry for that, it’s uploaded now. 🙂
Some users have been very busy, thanks for supporting the engine that much! Look at this:

  • Madinitaly created a MD3 file loader, more information in this thread
  • Boogle created a Tokamak Scene node, take a look at this thread in the forum

Irrlicht Engine 0.4.2 released!

Finally, here it is: Version 0.4.2 of the engine, waiting for you to download it from the download section. Sorry for the long waiting time, but at least I don’t get any money for it. 🙂 I have made a lot of modifications to the internal engine and changed some interfaces and enumeration names. There are lots of bug fixes in it and alpha versions of features which will be finalized in version 0.5. Here is a short overview of the changes and new features:

  • Preview of the terrain scene node for outdoor rendering.
  • The engine is not limited to 16 bit textures any longer. All other formats are working now too.
  • Creation and loading of software images.
  • PCX file support.
  • Curved surfaces support. (Thanks to Dean P. Macri, also for the PCX loader!)
  • New Materials
  • Interface for Logging text.
  • Bug fixes.
  • More bug fixes.
  • Really, lots of bug fixes.

For a detailed description, take a look at changes.txt.